i was i think 6. i had s*x with my male cuzin, (im a female), but only oral and touching and stuff. i let him do it. then another cousin, i think 13 or 14 at the time, tried to put it in my v****a and a**s, but failed i think. then i gave him oral, and he sometimes. i let him though. then i told him to stop, and he did. never did it agian. please dont write stuff like tell police and all. and my,13 or 14 year old cousin has never done it again and with any ohter female, only me.all this started when i had oral with my female friend. now im really into p**n and all. so what is this called. insect?taboo? ive heard of these wrods, but don't know anything. im catholic, and how does this,the p**n and s*x things effect me? im currently have s*x with a female friend,oral. so please answer my questions. this is real ok