The other day I was in the car with my dad and he asked me a question that apparently didnt understand when he was asking me, and it led to an 1h+ argument;and at the end we still didnt agree.
While in the car,he the radio on NPR, and they were reporting on a tornadoe that happened in the US that killed several 100's& a cyclone or something that happened in Asia that killed 10's of thousands. Becuase the guy reporting used one word when describing the one in the US and another when describing the one in Asia, my dad asked What's the difference between a tornadoe and a cyclone(he didnt say cyclone but I forget the word he used)?
My basic answer was nothing really,that they were pretty much the samething(the principals are the same),but that they are called two different things becuase they happened on oppisite sides of the globe.We call them tordoes here,and they call them something else over there;but they are still the same phenomena.
please wait befor answering I'm not done yet