
Question about wireless internet, laptops and routers?

by  |  earlier

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i just bought a laptop with built in wi-fi, but i dont know what the next step is to get internet. do i need to buy a router for a signal? when i log on it says that i dont have a connection, but my brother uses his PSP at home with internet without having a router. HELP!!




  1. He possible is getting a wi-fi signal from a nieghbor.  There are at least 5 networks in my immediate neighborhood.  Check in a local store, Best Buy, etc.  and look for a router.  The standard is 2.4 ghz 802.11b or g(faster).  You can run 802.11a at 5 ghz which is less succeptable to interference from telephones, wireless controllers, etc. many devices are running on 2.4 nowadays.  5ghz also has more channels so it can pick a different channel automatically if there is another network.  Plug your router in through your main high speed internet source in the house.  If your house is larger with multi levels or if you want to reach furthur out in the yard check the range on the router as well.  Make sure to get a WPA router and not a WEP as it is not as secure.  I would bet your laptop is WPA compatible since it is new.  Any questions beyond this mail me

  2. Well now you have to buy a wireless router to create signal so your laptop can connect to it. Buy the router and hook your modem up to it. Then apply security settings so only you can connect and not unwanted people. This may sound like a bunch of gibberish but it's all in the manual and you can do it as long as you read. but bottom line YES you do have to buy a router!

    p.s. As for your brother with the PSP. Well PSP has wi-fi so it can connect to a router to connect to the internet but he claims he doesn't have a router eh? Well he may be joking OR he's secretly connecting to a neighbour's wi-fi network. He's probably able to do it cuz their network doesn't have security settings and anyone can connect. Go ask him.

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