
Question about women, who love men, who love men . . . what's the motivation?

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And is the "terminology" common knowledge?

I know a woman who self-identifies as a "homo honey" -- loosely translated, she sleeps with homosexual men when they feel like something different. (I know, technically that makes them bi, but that's beside my point.)

Is it a commitment issue? Is it just an FWB thing? I'm not being a jerk here, at least not intentionally, but what in the world could be the motivation here?




  1. Most g*y men are very considerate and sensitive. The concept that they are so open minded is hot. Also g*y dont talk about you like your just an object, usually they are your friends and they care about.  

  2. No commitment!!

    I dont get it either. I have a friend the same way. But hey to each there own

  3. Shrug...thats their business and it's a whole lot more normal then some s*x kinks I've heard of...

  4. A lot of women like g*y men because quite a few g*y men have positive feminine characteristics. They're often more sensitive, stylish, and have other features straight women like, such as liking shopping. I'm not saying all g**s are like that, but many are.

  5. Not for me, but

    But how does this sound "Look at me, I'm so great I even get g*y guys to sleep with me."


    They can sleep with the guy and know that they don't have to form a commitment with them but can still be friends. Plus, when they want s*x, again-no commitment but still with someone they know rather than a random stranger.

    Could be a lot of commitment phobia or just a self-esteem boost

  6. i like women. a lot.

  7. I once dated a girl who wanted to sleep with me. And all these people were telling me that she likes go to g*y bars and hook up. Nah, that is BS. The guys are just trying to cut me out of the action with this hot girl. And the girls are just jealous-the ugly broads are just hating on her to trash her. But sure enough, I found out a thing or two and thank the Good Lord we never went all the way.

    My advice- go to a Prayer Meeting or take a Business course and find yourself a nice girl. Geez, do I sound like your uncle? Believe me, it might be the advice that might save your life. And get your blood tested, ASAP!

  8. sometimes a women just needs to "be" with a man without the involvement in a relationship and if she is with a "man who likes men" there is no risk of that ever happening. Also a women can be herself more around them because she does not need to act a certain way around them  

  9. WOW. I don't understand that either, nor was I aware. So there can't be too many

  10. "(I know, technically that makes them bi, but that's beside my point.)"

    Everybody's a little bi. These men are probably predominately attracted to men, but not completely, which is where this woman comes in.

  11. Do people really do that? OMG! That is so wrong on 100 different levels. People have no self respect anymore. They sleep with g*y men when they want something different? That's like being a football player's back-up jock strap. Gross.

    EDIT: There is a term that totally grossed me out when I heard it being associated with women and s*x. But I think it is applicable here. "Dump Truck" Use your imagination

  12. its all shock factor. it gives them a rush

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