
Question about work ethic?

by  |  earlier

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I work in CA. and the company I work for does not provide soap nor hot water to wash your hands, is this legal?

We are a manufacture company. They do provide hot water and degrease soap in another building but not at another building.





  1. They must provide soap and running water. Whether or not they must provide hot water (And CA defines "hot water" as only "above 85'F", not exactly scalding!) depends on the detailed circumstances.

    Here is the relevant regulation for general industrial facilities.


  2. i don't know the legalities in CA but it is wrong. I'm sure the board of health would love this tid bit of information. Maybe if you want a change in the way things run there you could tell them that if it doesn't change then you will go to the board of health. In any case i would keep a mini hand sanitizer with me if i were you.

  3. Im not sure if it is actually illegal.. but it is wrong.. i would suggest buying yourself some pocket hand sanitizer..  

  4. I think it's only illegal if you either work in a hospital or the food industry, otherwise it's just unsanitary  

  5. They don't provide doesn't mean they won't provide it. Ask and demand they provide it. Company some time do things by demand.  

  6. It's not illegal. Do you think construction guys are provided soap and hot water? The only places that it's required is in health care and in the food service industry.

  7. Handwashing laws only apply to food service/supply workers.  You should pack your own or use hand sanitizer.

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