
Question about your AA??

by  |  earlier

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K, so obviously i havnt been to college, so i have a question about an AA??? i have a family member that swears she has her AA and i find it very hard to believe her. she seems to always be going back and forth to JCs and just never finishing. shes the girl who "if" shes enrolled in college her parents will pay for everything. but it never EVER ends and even when she is enrolled shes never there. IF she has her AA wouldnt she have some sort of diploma type thing, certificate...something??? i mean that seems like a big accomplishment and i would think theres something to show for that? this girl cant even spell or do basic math, i swear shes full of it and just keeps enrolling to get a free handout. i want to prove shes a liar to the whole family, what can i ask her to prove shes full of BS?




  1. maybe you should stop worrying about it, and let her sink in her own mire.

  2. i mean she may have a certificate i know i keep my diploma in my closet.  and to get an AA its not a whole lot i wouldnt worry about it.  maybe you can ask her about how many credits she has she should have i think above 30 for an AA degree.

  3. If you get an AA then they would give you a diploma for it. I dunno what her deal is but don't worry about her. Many people go to community college even after they get an AA and even their Bachelor's diploma because they just like to learn, they want to take fun classes like art, photography, etc.

    With CC (Community College) the classes are cheaper than at a university, so its more inexpensive to explore different talents and interests that way. So some people keep going for years even after they get their degree. Who cares if she's a liar? Just worry about your own education.  

  4. You could ask her if she has an AA (which is earned from a junior college).  Why in the heck is she still attending a junior college.  Most people move on to a University after earning their AA....  unless they were incredibly stupid and just took random classes and didn't follow a degree plan (three semesters of golf)  or flunked out and/or kept dropping the classes they enrolled in.

    If her parents are paying the school, she could be enrolling in the classes and handing Daddy the bill.  Then once he pays the school, she "might" be dropping some or all of the classes... if it's done soon enough, she is entitled to a complete or partial refund of the money he paid.  

    Daddy seeing a copy of all her transcripts would be needed to verify this.   Unfortunatly, if he's been doing it for years, he may not remember how much he paid and when... but the ultimate "W" for "Withdrawl" on her transcripts is hard to miss.  Also, since it is college, Mommy and Daddy (and you) can't get access to her records.  She is the only one who can get them.

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