
Question about your driving habbits?

by Guest64681  |  earlier

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when u drive through a green light at an intersection, do u enter the intersection with causion and look left and right before going (even though it's green for you), ?

or do u just hope and pray that the other drivers have stopped and just go straight through?

i'm trying to make it a habbit to at least still look in case there's a drunk driver running a red light. I don't think i wanna leave my faith hoping and praying that the other cars will stop.




  1. I do look both ways, because you never know who's going to run a stop sign or a red light.

    Even sober people run red lights =/

  2. The habit I try to teach all my students is to guage appoaching green lights to determine if they are "fresh," (just turned green) or "stale."  (don't know how long or have been green for a while)  This gives the drive a clue about whether the light may be about to turn yellow.

    Also, whether green or not, they should approach ALL intersections with caution, because, as you hint, you can't read the minds of other drivers and one may decide that he will not stop for his red.  Most "right of way" laws do not give any vehicle the "right" to any particular piece of roadway.  Instead, they are written as to describe which driver must YEILD the road to another.  In other words, a green light does not give a driver the right to put himself in front of a car running a red light.  ALL drivers are expected to drive with due caution.

    Finally, I coach drivers to ease off on the gas as they approach an intersection and "coast" through, with their right foot "covering" the brake pedal, meaning that the foot is "hovering" over the brake.  In case an emergency stop is required, this "habit" reduces the time it takes to react to an emergency and the time it takes to lift the foot off of the gas and on to the brake pedal.  It may only save a second, or so, but that one second could make a BIG difference.

  3. I always look both ways at green lights as well as at crossroads where there are no stop signs for me.

  4. Yes, I always look although being somewhat committed to going through green light.

    It's essential to do this I feel from past experience and being both car driver and a motorcycle rider.

    In defence of the jaundiced image of "drunk" driver, it is more worrying when drivers who are completely sober but preoccupied with the worries of life or business day lapse, and go through red lights without the "stigma" or penalties of the former example.

    It is worldwide practice to drive with some level of alcohol and the "law" dictates what level becomes enforceable as a crime.

    I've heard many arguments to support that moderate levels of alcohol actually improve ones driving as one is more ATTENTIVE and not distracted by say kids fighting in back of 4 wheel drive tank.

  5. I always keep an eye out.

  6. if the light is green, i just charge through like nothing is wrong.  if i get hit, i'll most likely live, and i will sue whoever hit me into the ground, i'll take em for so much, when their kids get old, they'll still owe me....all because of 3 words......."ow, my neck"

  7. I have over 30 yrs driving and 22 yrs as a semi truck driver with over 1 million safe driving miles, and yes you approach the intersection with caution every time,always be aware of what bad could happen at all times and be ready to avoid any possible dangerous hazard,this should keep you from having an accident...

  8. I always look because you never know when someone could run a red light. I had a friend that got into an accident because she was going through the intersection with a green light but the person that hit her ran the red light. Luckily she did not get hurt that bad but it totalled out her car.

  9. Vince has it pegged

    I would also add that to select the appropriate gear just in case acceleration is required rather than braking is also necessary.

  10. Always look.

    It is not always a  drunk driver that can cause a problem. I almost got hit once by a  policeman who had his lights on but no siren.

  11. I dont drive but I do look when we do cross because someone could run a red light, from not paying attention being drunk or on drugs. and Im not goin for that. always pay attention!

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