
Question asked before coming to the US?

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Why as French citizen I'm asked in the plane before arriving in the US if I was a member of the n**i party between 1932 and 1945, if I have recently visited a terrorist country, if I have touched a horse, and if I have mud in my pockets?

then they take all my finger prints, pics ? should we apply the same in Europe for US Citizens?

Could be funny :)




  1. No its because during the time when n**i's occupied Germany they used alot of chemicals and things on European countries. So we do this to make sure you werent infected with some crazy disease. This is also the reason certain ppl arent allowed to donate blood because they were in Germany during WW2

  2. US citizens are asked some questions that might be considered rude when traveling abroad too - it is for security reasons, all countries do it. Why are you taking this so personally, it has nothing to do with you as a person and even less to do with the fact that you are traveling to the US - it is a general precaution.

    ....if I have recently visited a terrorist country  = everyone asks this question in every country unless one is a returning citizen.

    .....if I have touched a horse = possible quarantine problem/animal disease that could be carried into the country

    ....and if I have mud in my pockets = you are never allowed to bring soil to another country. This is true of every country, it is a common travel restriction.

    No idea about the n**i question.

    The fingerprint thing might have to do with specific security concerns that they aren't likely to tell us about. Seems extreme to me too, but I guess they are just being extra careful. There is a lot of anti-Americanism in Europe at present that isn't helping European travelers much. I imagine soon we will all have to be fingerprinted. Sad, isn't it?

    But as a traveler you must obey the rules. Customs has been asking these types of questions for decades. So what if you are a French citizen? So are millions of travelers. I am a US citizen and I still answer the questions when customs asks.

  3. Where you get the scar tony?

    What about homosexuality? you like to dress like a woman?

    Drugs? heroin? COCAINE?

    Any family in the U.S?

  4. Do they really ask you these things?  I guess they are really afraid of an old n**i.  Say,"if you will tell me which countries are terrorist countries; then I'll tell you." Perhaps there's an old horse that was part of an old n**i terrorist plot against the US and his been on the lamb--I mean lam-- all these years.  They sure don't want you storming the immigration line with mud.  That would really hurt.  I hope no other western country would ask such silliness just for retaliation.  Now that would be double dumb.  Well here's mud in your eye.

  5. because you are coming to a country in war.. I think that is nothing... could be worst.

    Imagin the pressure of the customs accepting thousands of people every day, one of them could let go a terrorist.

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