
Question concerning marriage of a 16 year old/older guy?

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If a 16 year old girl married someone older than I don't his 20's (Don't be quick to say pedophilia, thats so annoying, different cultures...ok? plus not what the question is asking). Could they move to America? Or would America not recognize their marriage??

I'm just wondering how that would even work.

Oh and another question, what if they were US citizens that married in a different territory? And they came back to America? Would the marriage be valid in America? Or not?

I'm not getting married FYI. I don't even have a boyfriend haha.

I'm just wondering how that would work out.





  1. Marriage is marraige, no matter where you got married or where you are going.

  2. Pedophilia is not an issue in my mind.  16 yrs old is just too young to get married.  At 16, ones is still growing, maturing & determining who & what they are.  That person of 16 will be a completely different person at 20, at 24 & at 26, and will have very different needs in turns of a relationship.  Chances are, the spouse will not fill those requirements.  

  3. A marriage between two foreign people in their home country would be valid here.

    Two US citizens going to another country to get married to circumnavigate the laws of their home state would likely not be valid.  The parents of the minor could challenge it on the grounds that neither gave consent for their minor child to marry, and it would likely result in the marriage being deemed not valid.

    However, depending on the state, minors can marry younger than 18 without consent anyway.

  4. The first answer is not correct. It is legal for someone over 18 to marry someone under 18....In the USA the person under the age has to have a signature from their parents. I do believe that the USA would accept your marriage

  5. No to both questions. The US would treat him as a child mollester, rapist. If he is over 18 and she is a minor? Hello, jail time. As far as marriage? NO, it would not be seen as legal unless her parents gave written consent and she was an emanncipated minor. If this was a case in which say the girl came from a foreign country and the guy married her? Still not recognized. A minor is a minor, and its seen as rape and pedphelia.    

  6. I know that it's illegal to marry someone whos under 18, with a 18 or older person

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