
Question duane dog chapman?

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did the us government drop their case against duane

dog chapman? thank you.




  1. The Mexican government was wanting the US Attorney to allow Dog to be turned over.

    U.S. said no and Mexico has dropped its case.

    He is free.

  2. I don't believe the US had a case against Mr. Chapman.  The Mexican government did, and the US was trying to send him back to Mexico under extradition. Evidently bounty-hunting is illegal in Mexico, and Mr. Chapman broke their laws when he went to Mexico and captured a well-known fugitive (sorry, the fugitive's name escapes me at the moment).  

    A Mexican judge dismissed the charges against him due to a technicality, but that was being appealed.  I believe it was last week that a judge in Hawaii ordered that he would not be extradited to Mexico, since there were no longer any charges against him there.

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