
Question everyone is saying it but i don't know what it mans!?

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what is a swagger??




  1. SWAGGER - definition

    1) to walk with a bold, arrogant, or lordly stride; strut

    2) to boast, brag, or show off in a loud, superior manner

    There is also a SWAGGER STICK - definition

    a short stick or cane as carried by some army officers, etc.

  2. it means your demeanor, the way you carry yourself, being cool, being hip or even s**y. try to google JimmyHennec or Who?Dat on Myspace music and listen at his song SwaggaShades, you just might like it.

  3. swagger generally refers to a style or walking. usually  meant to be very cool, aloof, and/or powerful.  

  4. Maybe you can try writing out a sentence on how its used. That way we can give you a better answer.

    If i am not wrong the general usage is to say some person's confident walking style. or corksure way of moving.

    Like, he swagger into the room full of people without a care and started his presentation. Or He gave that presentation in his usual swagger and confident style.....

  5. It is, indeed, an assertive, confident walk. In the British army, officers sometimes carry a baton, tucked under one arm or held in the hand as a symbol of authority and called a "swagger stick".  

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