
Question for 13-14 year old guys: Signs you love her?

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Me && my really good guy friend have been talking alot this summer and he asked me to the movies. It was a night movie (couldn't go unfortunatley) and just the two of us. Is that a date to you? What are signs you like a girl? He's so nice & kinda playful =)




  1. 1- I am not a kid, I am an adult woman

    #2- If he asked you out, he definitly considers it a date. It takes a lot for a guy to muster up the courage to ask someone out. Sounds like you have a boyfriend hun! ;-)

  2. tell him to call you in 5 years.

  3. yeh i believe that he really lyks u

    i wudnt realli say that is a date

    i just fink its more of a thing that he has a crush on u

    guys normally hang around a gurl as long and often as they can and do things lyk wt ur friend did 2 u

  4. Dont see any point in having a girlfried when i was 13-14. Its just sheer waste of money and the relation would probably break up by the time you mature.

    For a guy to ask you out to the movies alone, it probably shows he likes you but you sed hes your really really good friend so the reason could just be that.

  5. Asking you out for the movies does NOT mean he loves you....christ, you kids need to quit watching Titanic, Disney Channel,  and the other c**p on TV.  13-14 year old boys do not know what that kind of love is.  Period. They just THINK they do.

  6. I hold your hand

    Flirt with her.

    when I really like a girl.I don't act all "Yo hey baby want me to put my dragon in your dungon"

    I buy her nice things.

    I tell her how cute she is

    but I'm 17 and your only 13 so maybe you should focus on other things.Like being friends and school

  7. im 13 & he dont love u he probably just likes u & alot of guys are nice & playful

  8. no u dont ur 13

  9. no.....u r 13 knw..........if  u 18 ya ofcouse it s date.......i ll sing one good romance song 4 her.........

  10. A date is no big deal. It can be small. Date only means people maked plans one day or more days before. You get time with him. That most important. Forget word date.  

  11. u can find love whenever it can come rite up in your face and surprise you.

  12. I hope you are really a cop pretending to be a young girl, because otherwise, these types of questions are so incredibly annoying and irksome that I can't BELIEVE they allow them to remain on the system.

    I hope they start carding people so only adults can use the dating category.

  13. LOVE SIGNS at the age of 13-14??????????? u gotta b kidding baby

  14. well it could mean that he just wanted to take u to the movies like a "GOOD" u say...or it could be considered a date and im not trying 2 sound like a nagey person but ur WAY WAY WAY to young to understand the true meaning of love...and u should wait till ur older to star thinking about boys cuse it WILL drag u away from ur study's so just be a good little girl and focus on school? k?

  15. Thirteen and fourteen year olds dont know the definition of love.

  16. u r a  amature for all please avoid all these and consantrat toward ur studies

  17. why should age matter? it wouldn't matter if you were seventeen, or twelve.

    i think alot of people discriminte against young people. i mean, i admit, sometimes when i see little 12 year olds talking about how much they love their boyfriend and would die without them, it makes me think WHAT!

    but then i remember when i was that age, and wanted to try everything. i wanted to feel what it was like to have a boyfriend.

    anyway, what i'm trying to say is- no, youre not too young or anything like that. but know that boys mature slower than girls and when theyre at that age - 13 or 14- theyre a little less serious and less committed.

    this guy youre talking about seems interested in you but just dont get your hopes up for too much at first.

    at that age, the first real sign that he likes you is the moment he asks you to be his girlfriend.  

  18. yes he likes you.

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