
Question for 9/11 conspiracy theorists...?

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Is Bush responsible for Hurricane Gustav too?




  1. whats with the 2001 9/11 questions we all no it was a inside job get the pro cons off the website and no hurricanes are caused by mother nature dumbass  

  2. You mean the conspiracy that Bush is just an dutiful president protecting America from terrorists by invading the middle east, yeah, good one.

  3. You know they think he is. No facts will deter them from their delusions.

  4. You know they think he is. He is also responsible for dirty diapers and spoiled milk.

  5. Bush had his big oil people fly high jacked planes in a circle in order to create a hurricane.

    That sounds about right for conspiracy believers.

  6. haha the way things are going i wouldn't be surprised realistically i think that's a be bit far fetched in my book but then again in the conspiracy world who knows.....

  7. bush is responsible for many crimes but he just screwed up on 9/11

  8. Bush had nothing to do with 9/11. His job that day obviously was to sit in the class room photo op. for 20 minutes while his Secret Service detail suspiciously disregarded basic default protocol then to get on "Angel" and fly around the rest of the day.

    9/11 was a joint CIA/Mossad false flag operation for Israel.

    Cui Bono on 9/11? Israel and zionism.

  9. No.

    That was caused by mother nature idiot.

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