
Question for 911 Truthers?

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Why can't more people in relevant disciplines (like Math or Engineering) see the energy deficit inherent in the Governments theory in the collapses of WTC

1,2, and 7. I have a non related degree (Psychology) and can see it.




  1. They already do you fool but the majority of them keep their mouth shut in order to keep the real perpetrators from ever coming to the surface because if they did they would be complicit in the downfall of the US. There are some that have put their names to the "conspiracy" and they have lost their jobs and been ostracised by members of their respective members of their fields of expertise. I guess it just comes down to how strong you are and many many people that live in the US are weak little individuals that want to eat and drive around in their cars. Just imagine what would happen to the US if the world were to find out that the US government was complicit in the 9/11 attacks. Just think about that for two minutes and there if you are rational you have your answer for why they keep their mouth shut.

  2. Open Your Eyes...

    Ya know it's really too bad.

    You had a great answer.

    But ya had to be a total pie hole and bung it all up calling the poster a fool.

    Good for you big man.


    As for the question, Gman said it all, I'd just be repeating that post.


  3. Think about how scary it really is a possible government cover up. I started reading and trying to disprove the Truthers the more

    I read, and not just on the net, the 911 commission report, facts about structural steel, jet fuel ,and the way the towers were constructed. The more I came to believe that what I saw happen that day was more than just two planes bring down three buildings. Most people still don't know about building 7.  I remember thinking on 911 as I watched the buildings come down that I thought it odd they fell so straight.  No one that I'm aware of has taken just the facts and come up with a plausible explanation. Both the 911 commission and the NSA reports can't and they both admit it.

  4. Gosh, you're great, you mind is amazing.

    You understand things that all the engineering scholars do know.

    How did you get to be so smart, you probably went to a Liberal college

    We need more people like you walking our streets

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