
Question for Americans, what would you suggest?

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Jefflying, thanks for the wishes.

I assume in Canada,like in the States ,you have lots of Christian denominations to choose from and many different types of Churches.

I did not know that before I met this girl there were so many Christian denominations in North America.

I guess things are different there.




  1. Good luck Bella. I appreciate that you have opened up your home for an exchange student.

    There isn't much you can do. She can be an adult and compromise by accepting what choices she has. Maybe she would have been better off as an exchange student in Canada.

  2. You can do an internet search and tell her if there are or are not any Protestant churches in the area, and try to be accommodating. Otherwise it's tough beans for her. There's nothing she can do except suck it up and go to a Catholic church.

    It's the same basic beliefs anyway.

  3. This is something you might consider doing.

    Go with her to a priest, explain the situation and have the priest talk to her.

    Long time ago, I was at a somewhat... similar situation, where an Apostolic felt the need to pray in a Apostolic church, but none was around.

    A Greek Orthodox priest I knew, talked to the person and prayed with her in an Orthodox church.

    A priest will definitely be a more appropriate person to handle the situation.

  4. She probably doesn't want to take communion because only Catholics do that...maybe you could talk to your church and explain the situation? She can just sit quietly and not take communion...Catholic churches aren't drastically different from other Christian churches. It's not like she's gonna have to participate in some Satanic ritual.

    But she really doesn't have a choice...I mean, she can either go to the Catholic Church and be open-minded, or she could maybe stay at home and miss church for a while. It's up to her. Just be polite and respect whatever choice she makes.  

  5. Send her packing!

    I don't mean to be rude, but she is an idiot.

  6. If she has no choice she has no choice, remind her that Jesus prayed by himself

  7. tell her god does not care which church she goes to.. just as long as she shows up to one of them..

  8. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If that means worshiping and praising God in a Catholic church then so be it.

    If she wants to praise God, she can do it any place, even in the quietness and solitude of her room.

  9. She's miserable because of her own delusions. Tell her to build her own church if it means that much to her. If she's not willing to solve the situation herself, too bad.

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