
Question for Americans please, About the storm that's coming to Louisiana and Texas?

by Guest32699  |  earlier

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I see today on my tv screen ( in France) that people are being evacuated again and i wondered if the authorities and the 'powers that be' are better prepared this time. I mean are the people being helped enough to get out this time? Is enough being done to help people? I'd hate to think it would turn out like 'katherina'.

May your God bless you and protect you.

Thank you for your answers.





  1. I saw something in the news that they warned people to get out. They won't open the Superdome to refugees from the storm.

    I hope the people listen and get out.

    I have a few relatives near New Orleans.

  2. I know that the levees have been updated and are suppose to be in a better condition than they were before, but there is still lack of confidence in them. I'm hoping the authorities are more prepared down there, but I know that the people have had their share of hurricanes and are leaving their homes or securing their homes much better than before.

    But seriously, anything that is man-made can break, and I think the people down there worry about that after experiencing Katrina.

  3. There are mandantory evacuation orders in place, and the people have been told that if they refuse to leave there will be no aid/shelter/services available for them. New Orleans has bussed out millions of people and air lifted the elderly and ill. They're more prepared this time in terms of getting people out. However, the levees in New Orleans were never repaired, so if this storm hits them, the levees are going to break again, the city will flood again, and we'll go through the same disasterous aftermath Following Katrina.  

  4. Evacuations were started a few days ago..there are buses and trains for those who have no transportation and this y time they are given plastic wristbands to wear with bar codes to keep track of everyone..Everyone has the opportunity to get out and it has been made clear to those who stay that they are doing so at their own risk. Thank you for your blessing.

  5. They are better prepared. They have already called in outside help. We have state of emergency for almost all of Louisiana. The few who depend on public transportation are being transferred in buses. Our red cross stations are up and running. I am in the northern part of Louisiana, we are seeing a lot of traffic as they travel further north because shelters fill up pretty fast. The evacuation is mandatory so they will be leaving the southern part of the state. I thing you can find further information on the storm at Thanks for asking.

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