
Question for Aussies about Centrelink?

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If I sell things using paypal, do I need to declare this, even though it is tax free money?




  1. No i wouldnt think so.

  2. you need to be careful as the tax man is watching ebay now for those that are making a buisness out of it

  3. There is no such thing as tax free money in Australia!

  4. if you have a bank account in Australia, you have to give you tax file number, or pay lots of tax.

    If you give your tax file number, the tax office will charge tax on income.

    Cenrelink can cross check data against your tax records, so guess what they can find out?  Centrelink doesn't care what your income is classified as, or whether it is taxable or not.  If you got some extra money, you only get to keep some of it.

    sorry, if you have a bank account here, you are traceable

  5. i don't know,but just don'''''t declare it.

  6. nope nope nopey nope! hurrah!

    Suggestion is though to have it go into a different bank account to the one your centrelink goes into as there are rumours going around that centrelink is soon going to be able to view all details of your bank account.

  7. No you don't

  8. I would call them and check, friend of mine ended up investigated over selling a few old videos to some mates, centrelink got their fraud investigators looking into his bank accounts, even his TAB account, he had no idea what was going on till he got a letter about the appointment, they told him you have to tell them everything, even if you make money from a garage sale. He didn't get into any trouble, but lost a couple of dollars from his next payment, but would be very carefull, they expect to know everything.

  9. NO, any money personally earned from home under $50,000 per year is classed as a hobby. You do not declare it or pay tax on it. If you are unsure or don't believe me, ask an accountant.

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