
Question for Australians. What is the penalty for not voting in an election?

by  |  earlier

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I've been thinking of writing my Member of Parliament (I'm Canadian), to introduce a bill to make it manditory for all eligible voters to vote, otherwise they will face a fine.

Thanks in advance.




  1. When we lived there, we were told voting was compulsory, and registers were checked after election, amd if you hadn't voted you'd best have a good excuse like being on the operating table at the time, otherwise you'd be fined.  Wikipedia confirms this,  and points out it is still possible to spoil your vote, it is simply compulsory to attend.  Australia is just one of many countries listed for mandatory voting.

    Where voting is not compulsory, you can have decisions made by a minority of 30 per cent or less of the electorate, and that is far from ideal.

  2. There is no penalty for not voting because the right to vote includes not to vote when people do not want to vote on any candidates.

  3. the biggest loss in not voting is to society itself.  But perhaps this would be a good bill to pass; if people don't care soon enough then their country will decline just as fast

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