
Question for Australians:Is N.S.W the only state in the country,with an alcoholic as Health Minister? ?

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Question for Australians:Is N.S.W the only state in the country,with an alcoholic as Health Minister? ?




  1. No, there are others, and some with other afflictions as well.

    Here in W.A. we have a health minister that is almost certainly alcoholic, as is the one in VIC.

    The Queensland Health Minister, by all accounts, is bordering, and is also a giant fibber and is incompetent. The Health Minister in S.A. is still unknown to everyone in the state, so who knows whether he/she is an alco or not.

    It seems that the whole country is in the grip of Health Ministers who have no fruckn idea how to run a chook raffle, let alone a department in a government.

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