
Question for Canadian citizens?

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Does Canada have a problem with illegal aliens, if so from where and is your government doing anything about it. If not, how do you manage to control it?




  1. Not Really, most places in Canada are pretty accepting,except for Quebec. I mean, Canada doesn't really have an issue with Illegal aliens coming in...because there is only the US beside us.

  2. no...

    Canada is not made of blazing a******s like other nations

  3. No we dont really have alot, mostly because our government is very on top of it. Some places have them but not alot.

  4. Canada may not have as many illegal aliens as the US however there are still a lot floating around.

    In the event an illegal immigrant is caught in Canada, they too are deported as well as their Canadian born children. I've seen it on the news many times. Any way you look at it, illegal immigration cannot be stopped. People will always find a way to cross the border illegally.

    In terms of how the government controls it is uncertain due to the lack of media coverage on immigration in Canada.

    I know one thing is for sure. I've lived in Canada long enough to know that many people have migrated through arranged marriages. Once people have become citizens or residents for that matter, they are never afraid to explain how they were able to become landed.

    Edit:: Actually "Chuckles" there were two terrorists who participated in 9/11 who have resided in Scarborough, ON. Then in 2004, about a dozen more terrorists were arrested while in training. They too were successfully able to come to Canada.

  5. Not really; usually they are sent back if found to be without any good reason, or having a probable link to a terrorist group(like the Tamil Tiger), the younger they are and if deemed to be a good asset for the futur of the country, if  they can adapt well to our country they will probably be supported, just after 911 we had many coming at the U-S border, as the political climate toward muslim was not welcoming anymore for them, sometimes having them showing in large number where welcome in Canada as they did not feel the same pressure coming in Canada.

  6. Sadly enough, we don't ... and the less English you speak the better.. you will get a government job right away. In fact, you'll be promoted often. Our immigration laws are so lax it's pathetic. Remember.. the terrorists came through Canada for 911. Embarrassingly sad

    Chuckles: you're WRONG.. they absolutely DID come through Canada

  7. No, the 9/11 terrorists did not come through Canada. One other terrorist did try to enter through Canada but the system worked and he got nailed.

    But yes, Canada does have an illegal alien problem as well. It is just not as big as in the USA because most illegals in Canada move on to the USA.

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