
Question for EVOLUTIONISTS.....?!??? serious please?

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i have a question for evolutionists... im not even a christian, i just honestly want to know. i dont believe in creation, but im struggling with evolution...

ok so... if evolution is true, then what is our purpose in life?? if evolution proves true then doesn't that mean that we are no more than worthless flesh? if we die and go into the ground, who cares? whats to stop me from doing evil in this life, or what is the point of pursuing happiness?? does life have any purpose at all?

im being serious here... if im just a product of evolution, simply more evolved but not technically any better than the animals, whats to motivate me to lead a productive life? whats to stop me from lying, cheating, or murder? and where do all these emotions come from?

if evolution is true... that must mean that moral values come from public opinion, right?! isnt that a little terrifying... i mean, if our moral system is based on the views of society, don't we run the chance of a corrupt moral system? help




  1. Great question...lots of valid points.. thought provoking and I think you put forward a great argument for a Creator wether that was your intention or not...

  2. Yes, evolution is true.  

    Yes, society makes the rules.  

    Yes, there is the risk of society's rules becoming corrupt, eg China, Cuba, Iraq.  

    No, there is no overall "purpose" for your life besides living it, you have to give yourself a purpose, whatever that may be.  

    You emotions come from the combination of different chemical and electrical processes within your brain and body.  This is well documented and understood by neurologists.


    This page includes Ethics:

    CA001. Evolution is the foundation of an immoral worldview.

    CA001.1. Crime rates etc. have increased since evolution began to be taught.

    CA002. Survival of the fittest implies might makes right.

    CA002.1. Evolution leads to social Darwinism.

    CA002.2. Marx admired and corresponded with Darwin.

    CA005. Evolution is racist.

    CA005.1. Darwin himself was racist.

    CA005.2. Darwin's work refers to "preservation of favoured races".

    CA005.3. T. H. Huxley was racist.

    CA006. Evolution encourages eugenics.

    CA006.1. Hitler based his views on Darwinism.

    CA006.2. Stalin's policies were influenced by Darwin.

    CA008. Evolution encourages promiscuity and lust.

    CA009. Evolution teaches that we are animals and to behave as such.

  4. Take it easy. You are tangling two very distinct areas of development here.

    Evolution is the development of physiology among animals. At its roots is the term "survival of the fittest". In other words who is most successful in adapting in a given environment.

    You are also talking about social evolution and development. By its name, it is the development of society and culture along history.

    That said, your question is basically philosophical one. You are trying to find out what are the differences of humans and animals to determine the answer of your existence, your purpose. For that, I suggest you read Aristotle's and Plato's writings and teachings on the development of society and law. If you want ot know more, you can read the theories of Hobbes, Locke, Rosseau on social contract; and later maybe Hegel.

  5. We do have a purpose in life.

    Multiply and try to make it as nice for our offspring as we possibly can.

    Isn't that good enough?

  6. Ok, see? The issue that comes up against evolution in regards to religion is that evolution replaces religion.

    It doesn't.

    The questions you're asking are why we even have religion.

    Honestly, is it so difficult to reconcile science with the belief in a higher power? Many people believe evolution is the process God chose to assure continued life on this planet, and I'm pretty sure God looks at what's inside, and isn't nearly as concerned whether we look like apes or alligators.


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