
Question for Europeans: do you believe global warming is a threat to humans?

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I'm just curious, do most Europeans actually believe in this global warming c**p? Do they actually believe the lies of Al Gore? I sure hope not, I've always thought of Europeans as a very sophisticated type, but this would certainly lower my general opinion of them if they believed the lies of Al Gore and other "scientists" who claim that global warming is a threat to humans.

The earth is simply going through a phase, just like it has many times since God created the earth. Weather changes have only been recorded by man for no more than 400 years. This planet has been around for billions of years. Climate change is a natural occurrence, it is simply a phase.




  1. Yes, they believe in it because they are more educated. Whereas here, they build creationist musea, there they actually use common sense and take advantage of the huge opportunity of a tremendous growth market. Germany, where the sun is shining less than in Seattle, has more solar energy usage than the US despite the much smaller population size (1/4).

    Thinking that this all is socialist, tax-raising propaganda reveals severe cognitive impairment and OCD.

  2. it is a problem yes

    but not worse than this

    by the way - weather from the time the dinosaurs walked this earth can be determined by looking at Antartic Ice..

    this is how we know when Dinosaurs were alive - we had WAY MORE oxygen than now (that is how they got so big)

  3. You are asking the same people who are afraid to criticize Islam because the Muslims in Europe might blow them up? These people have no fortitude as progressives and will fall for anything these days.

  4. Concerning your question and your comment:

    Long ago Americans and America broke from Europe and became the greatest country the world has ever known. Special people from all those countries came together to make America. We took their freedom loving people and left Europe behind.

    I really don't care what they do or what they pretend to think of us. Underneath all their insults is the realization that it takes all of their countries to come close to our GNP and that America is the only country in the world that really can do whatever really needs to be done.

  5. Most educated people already accept global warming theory, so they have no interest in this forum. This forum attracts all those who want to tell the world that they've been deceived and does not represent a true cross section.

    That said, European friends are generally in awe that the U.S. still has debates over evolution and global warming. They are past that, and so am I. The U.S. is going through a phase where anti-intellectualism is in fashion. The public distrusts science because what science tells us goes against staunch religious and political belief systems. People are fighting back by trying to undermine the credibility of the scientific process, mostly because they don't understand how science works. It is now common to hear someone off the street make the case that a science concensus is of no more validity than a faith based opinion. If we keep this up, we are headed for disaster as a country and civilization. We are devolving into Carl Sagan's superstitious demon haunted world.

  6. Yes, most Europeans believe global warming is true. This is mostly because of being brainwashed by liberal schools and listening to Gore. Gore's proof of global warming there was hurricanes during hurricane season and heat waves during.. "heat wave season".

    I agree with you, global warming is complete bull and a scam for  raising taxes, selling books and movies about how true it is.

  7. What is interesting is how the DENIER/skeptics have taken the phrase "Ugly American" we had in the 1950's to a whole new level.  It's just "hooray for us and to Hades with everybody else", over and over and over.  God help us if we ever ran out of soldiers to throw at them.  Come to think oft, we aren't all that far away from doing just that...

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