
Question for Florida Residents?

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I am 23 years old, I was born in Daytona Beach and lived there until I was 13, then I moved to the Orlando area and lived there until I was 19. Then I moved to Palm Coast and lived there until I was 21. Now I have lived in another state for the past two years. I have been planning our return to Florida for a long time now but, when I went to visit Florida last week, it seems way overpopulated and crime ridden. I am now used to the quiet, peaceful, crime free life and I was wondering if people who live in Florida right now could please tell me if it is worth moving back there. I am scared to put my kids in school down there. Does anyone know of any good areas? Thanks for the help!




  1. i go to school in florida. yes florida has become very populated over the last couple of years but now, so many people are moving up north that it is dying down. as far as schools it really depends on where you go. just before you come back down do research on schools to help out in making a safe decision for your kids.

  2. well i don't live there i can tell you that florida has always had alot more crimes than other places.

    i visit orlando 2 in a year and it seems that when i turn on the news to catch the weather at least the first 10 things they talk about are either crime related or accidents on the i-4.

    my family has been visiting the orlando area since 1977 and it has always been like thins.

    maybe when you lived there you became imune to the news stories and now that you haven't lived there for a while you notice the bad things going on more. the bad things haven't occured more often they just catch your eye since you aren't hearing about it all the time.

    if you've only been gone for 2 years you should remember that around 2 years ago there was a man with a gun at a school in lakeland. and he caused all kinds of trouble no one got shot but the school was on lockdown all day and CNN was broadcasting it live.

    it seems like those types of stories happy frequently.

    i'm not saying its a horrible place to llive but you need to beaware of whats going on.

    you are probably in a community like mine now. i live in a suburb of buffalo ny. the worst thing about buffalo seems to be that our football players get into alot of trouble maybe thats why back in the day we lost the super bowl 4 years in a row LOL.

    ya know OJ Simpson.

    and now just a few months ago an up coming star for our team hit a canadian drunk woman with his car. the car was moving slow and the woman just had a few bruises but he ran and wouldn't turn himself into the cops. then when he did he got off scott free.

    and at least on the local news here maybe they will tell you there was a big fire at a house in batavia and 3 people died, or an accident on the 33 backed up traffic and even once in a great while you get a big story that people talk about for days like when a man from florida no less and his wife were on vaca here and he pulled out a gun and stopped in the middle of the i-93 and the cops had a stand off with him for 4 hours until they were able to cuff him.

    but really at least after, some of the stories are like there is a 5k walk for breast cancer, or a big party for the firemens benifit. or a man saved a kitten from dieing. there's tons of those stories too.

    i can't tell you which school to put your kids in or what community to live in  but i advise you to go on the web and do some research.

    i know that i never here any thing bad happening in celebration which is right outside of disney world. maybe you should look into living there.

    i'm sorry i know i rambled on.

    hope you got something out of my answer.  

  3. The truth is that you can never say that a neighborhood is safe to live in. Crime happens everywhere and can occur at any time. I work in a low income neighborhood in Miami- which happens to be the 4th largest school district in the USA. My school and the neighborhood I work in are perfectly safe. There have never been any major crimes in the school. There have been major crimes in some of the schools with the richest/nicest neighborhoods surrounding them here in Miami.

    The people of Littleton, Colorado probably would have argued that their town was very safe and virtually crime free before the Columbine High School shooting. Likewise in Bouldor, Co before Jon Benet Ramsey's murder.

    It can happen anywhere.

    Is Florida overcrowded, it depends upon where you are planning to move. There are still many small towns spread throughout Florida. Does Florida have a higher crime rate than other places, I would say not any higher than others with the same population. I have lived in Florida my entire life. I have visited many other states, but I will never live anywhere but Florida.  

  4. lake mary in seminole county isn't bad at all.

    i live there, and there's not a lot of crime here.

    it's a nice little area too.

  5. There is an area in Tampa Florida called Westchase. It is a very nice area. With a really nice mall, great restaurants, schools, very clean and beautiful homes and apartments. Its in the Citrus Park area of Tampa. Alot of young families populate to Westchase. I used to live in this area of Tampa and I would love to move back that way

  6. I planned to retire in Ft. Myers Beach........not any more.......I'll stay in Michigan and winter in Costa Rica.......Florida has just gotten ugly......

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