
Question for Guys-What kind of shampoo or conditioner can I buy to make my natural curly hair straight?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah straight or straighter hair would be great. I am a guy and I have natural curly hair but I want straighter hair. Please list shampoos, conditioners, or both that work for what I need. Thanks so much in advance!




  1. a natural and cheap way to go would be to apply white vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. after you've saturated your hair apply egg whites and mayonaise. go out in the sun for a couple of hours until it gets really hard, like a devo hat.

    wash it out a few times and your hair will be straight for about a week.

  2. I use Sleek shampoo and conditioner, then bow my hair straight using round brush and blow dryer.  

  3. There is no shampoo or conditioner that will make your hair permanatly straight.  You will need to use a blow dryer and a flight iron for the look you want to achieve or a permant solution you can go to the salon and get a strightner chemically

  4. tres semme great shampoo Gorgeous hair starts with a daily routine. Get your hair set-up for styling by removing build-up and replenishing moisture with these shampoos and conditioners. We've got your perfect match!

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