
Question for Guys :)?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, tell me frankly.... how you will react in the situation like:

Someone is really caring for you for long time and you do not. Still you yourself is in contact with the person. Suddenly, one fine day, you get up to know that the person no more cares for you.. What would be your first reaction??

In one word please

And helloooooooo, the relationship can be anything like friend, wife, mother, acquaintance.... n of course a Girlfriend




  1. i just says go to h**l...!

  2. love

  3. if its me.......then i will sit in my room and cry.......bcoz i dnt have anybody to care for me.

  4. heart broken!


    was it me?

    did i push her away?

  5. stop caring it will only hurt u n him

  6. someone could b in prob.


  8. i would ignore..

  9. If you are wearing yourself out showing you care for a person for a long period of time and are getting nothing in return, then there has to come a point when the caring has to stop or stall to the point of not trying. This is usually true in any relationship. It doesn't mean the recognition of the person doesn't exist, but only the effort exerted in caring about them does.

  10. there must be a reason for not caring, since i was not caring for that person from the begining, it doesnt matter for me, i'll ignore and move on.

  11. fore- ek fi lesomek

  12. World goes upside down!!!

    We guys are emotionally very dependent. Albeit never appear so.

  13. sad

  14. whhyyyy !!!!!!!!!

  15. this has happened to me twice.

    in first case there was a girl who loved me like nything.

    but she use to love only me n criticize all others sround us.

    she cared for me for 4 years bt i never felt nything for her. reason is may be her nature towards other was nt so good.

    so when she said me in the end i will never call u never talk to u............

    it did nt at all affected me.

    after a week i found new girl whom i love a lot.

    bt if i wud hav ever felt nything for her ever i wud hav felt like i hav lost sumthing

  16. it was my mistake, i have not taken care for him/her.
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