
Question for Home Schooled adults?

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If you were home schooled or alternatevily schooled do you feel that you have a gotten a good education?




  1. yes

  2. Well, I was public schooled as a child and now home school my children. I can tell you that when I look at what they are learning (and what I am learning with them) and compare it to the education I got, I KNOW they are getting a superior education with me and the co op I am involved in. Now, I cheat a little I guess. I found it necessary to send my oldest to the public school for Spanish, "English," and a ROTC class for leadership. The Algebra class we have a tutor for. The point is though, I control who teaches her and what is taught. We follow our kids interests and we are not controlled by any special interest group wanting to fill our kids with useless garbage.

  3. I am now 42 years old and I homeschool my children. I went to public school until I was 16 and I then was allowed to quit school so my mother could homeschool me.  I had to quit school because homeschooling was illegal at that time in our state.  In fact, my mother never heard the word homeschooling she just signed me out so I could "learn at home." I learned more in those few years than in all the years of attending public school.  My mother and I became extremely close and I found out she was a real person with passions and faults like everyone else.  We took art classes together, went to museums, and the zoo together.  We loved going to the library and discussing books together.  We took vacations together and she always made it educational and fun at the same time.  I never regretted quitting school because it taught me a love of learning and the importance of family that I carry with me to this day.  I feel that I am passing this on to my sons.  My children and I are close, so close that when my son was offered to smoke pot he came to me to discuss it.  He is 17.  He is not afraid to talk to me about personal things of which I am thankful.  I watch my kids grow and learn on a daily basis.  I would miss all of that if I sent them to public school.  

    Did I get a good education?  Yes, better than I would have recieved in public school.  I still study and learn everyday and realize their is more to learning than abc's and 123's.  I hope and pray that I pass that on to my children. I know that my oldest said if he ever has children he plans on homeschooling he also wants to be a teacher and is working very hard toward that goal so it seems my prayers are being answered.

  4. Maybe having no answer yet is a good sign.  It may mean that the homeschooled adults are leading meaningful and full lives away from Yahoo!Answers. (smile)

  5. I was homeschooled past 5th grade.  When I was in public school I was always pushed into advanced classes, usually with older kids, so I felt very out of my league, and stopped performing well.  However, once homeschooled I feel that my parents did a substandard job.  It was pretty much "Here are your books have them done by the end of the year."  If I hadn't taken the initiative to learn, they would have never known.  Also, once we got to about 9th grade my mom was completely unable to help us at all in most subjects.  

    To wrap it up, unless you have teaching experience, or the overwhelming desire to make sure your children are learning correctly, please, please, please send them to some to a school, public or private.  I finally convinced my father to do so for my little brother (15) and sister(13), who had been homeschooled all their lives, and they were very behind for the whole first year.  It was very sad.

  6. I was only home schooled for one year and a half, out of 12, and I learned much more that year than all the others put together.  It's possible to be much more focused.

    The only thing is that you need to give them some outlet for socialization.  That's very easy, actually...even something like Boy Scouts or Little League will be enough.

    Good luck.

  7. I am in total agreement with Melissa C.

    I attended private schools, and received my formal education in Europe.

    My husband, and I, who also teaches at a local University, have learned more by teaching, and learning along side our children at home than we ever did during our school years; we also find it most beneficial to be able to choose what out side sources to include in our children's education based on their interests.

    This is what brings to life that personal, individual education that is a reality in home schooling, but a myth in the conventional schools; yesterday's and today's; nothing has changed.

    Honestly if I include what my parents, and other significant adults have contributed to my education on a daily basis just by talking to us, and allowing us to work alongside them, the schools contribution was minute.

    I do understand many professions need to have a theoretical back ground, and that is great, but looking at it realistically many do not become proficient at anything until they actually start their internships, apprenticeship programs, or receive training from someone who has done the job for many moons.

    It seems kind of useless to spend so much time in a classroom when one could start "real" learning much sooner, and have the books supplement "real learning" instead of the other way around.

    Just food for thought...

  8. yes this is possible im doing MBA From

    see this site this site has much information about home sutdy


  9. ummm, well- it depends on who's giving the home schooling and what their education is.

    Kids will never get the diversity and peer to peer experience at home as they would get in a public or private school system.

    Teaching is much more then just giving knowledge & facts. It's kids learning how to cope with & make decisions under peer pressure, learning tact and correctness from hundreds of teachers and students for a well rounded  knowledge base, not from just one or two parents who share the same point of view.

    Simply put- experience is what helps a human react in unfamiliar environments; the human grows through stress, and be it biological or mental. There is no argument here, a child is exposed to more stimulating experiences in a school system then they are at home.

    In this new world, with such a demanding work environment and the pressures to succeed & compete, these diverse virtues are a necessity, not a novelty.

    I'm a group worker at the Dept. of Youth Services; I often deal with home schooled children. Every single one on them has issues fitting in with peers their age, and most are inverted even though polite.

    It's selfish for a parent(s) to believe they can teach as well as a professional educator.

    My .02 cents-

  10. It's a long weekend; things are probably going to be quiet around here!

    From those who have posted here before, some feel they didn't get a good education from home; they tended to be the ones who believed their parents were solely responsible for their education instead of seeing their own role in it. Most seem to feel they got a good education, but they also tend to be the ones who were held fairly responsible for their education and understood that they only got out of it what they would put into it.

    Also, check this article . The research in question had no affiliation to any group promoting homeschooling; the Institute explores a wide variety of issues and shares their findings.

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