
Question for JW.(Luke 16:19-31)?

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Please explain this parable without the existence of an immortal conscience. I know that the bible doesn't state that we have one, but I lack the wisdom to understand this story. I'm not attacking you, I'm looking for a sincere explanation.

May the God of Israel bless you.





  1. This is a parable. Jerusalem bible footnotes that this is a parable. We should not understand it with literal sense because a drop of water from one's finger do not quench the another one's thirst in such a place. So the meaning of this parable could be understood if you read the entire chapter. Jesus was talking to the Pharisees and in context of their misbehavior with the normal people of their times. Pharisees were compared to rich man and the common people were compared to lazarus. Jesus wanted to convey that common people found a divine favor as it is not with Pharisees. The disciples were also the common people who were choose to rule with Jesus Christ in heaven and thus they are having the divine favor.

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