
Question for Jehovah's Witnesses, does it's sins to judge people if you don't know them?

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Please , try to understand that I am new to Jehovah's Witnesses also study with them.

So, if anyone judge then they will have more problems?

Just tell me if I'm right or wrong.

Thank you.




  1. WE do not judge ANYONE.

    That is up to Jehovah & His Son, Jesus to do the judging.

    Our job is to spread the good news & wait on Jehovah.

  2. Well my in-laws are Jehovah's Witnesses and they judge me!  I have never felt so judged in my life.  They want nothing to do with me because I am not a JW and they will not even eat a meal with their own son because he was disfellowshipped.  When my man walks down the street and sees his old best friends from church, they do not even make eye contact or say hello to him.  

    I hope you do a lot of research on the JW religion (info not from the JW's) so you can see the truth.

    They preach to people because "That's what Jesus would do" but would Jesus ignore someone because they don't follow "his" religion??

  3. in the bible it says not to judge that you shall not be judge because it doesn't matter what i judgment is about people because we don't know the condition of the heart like jehovah so no don't judge and your grammar is ok as long as people can understand your good i hope you do well with the truth

  4. Jesus said at Matthew 7:1  "“Stop judging that YOU may not be judged; 2 for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged; and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU. "

    So we must be careful as we may be judged by the same standards we judge others.

    Strong incentive to avoid the practice entirely.

    Agreeing with Vot in all things, your English is fine.  We understand the question which is all that is important.

  5. We understand your English, edoedo. Keep it up :-D

    It is never right to have a conclusion on a matter (or person) without knowing the whole story. Even the Bible says:

    "When anyone is replying to a matter before he hears [it], that is foolishness on his part and a humiliation" (Prov. 18:13)

  6. As stated in some of the other comments we are not to judge other people. However the bible does state at 1Corinthians 15:33 Do not be mislead bad associations spoil useful habits.

    So we do not judge each person individually but we can judge behavior. As an example when a relgion teaches something contrary to what the Bible teaches it is up to us to highlight that. So that we can help individuals find the road to life and not continue to be mislead.

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