
Question for Jonas Lovers & haters

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Can someone get it across to the Jonas cult that they DON"T give out their phone numbers or email addresses ? While were at it, could someone get it through their heads that the majority of Y!A users couldn't care less which one is hotter. I'm sure there are many web sites devoted to "all things Jonas" - why do they come here and ask the same questions over and over every day ? They're just baiting the haters.




  1. LMAO

    your totally right!

    i hate the jonas brothers

    and once again this is a question devoted to the jonas brothers which really pushes my buttons...

    if you hate them pretend they dont exist

    i like the monkey tho


  2. Let me add that they don't care what you wear to their concert, they don't date fans, it was all a lie, we went through this....

  3. Actually The Jonas Brothers do have a phone number BUT it just gives out information. It also allows you to leave a message for them

  4. AMEN !

  5. i did a question just like this

    and the stupid people got mad at me sending me thearting emails and deleted my question calm down people  i hate the jonas brothers

    its annoying how they put that stuff on there like seriously who cares

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