
Question for Kindergarden teachers? Or Future ones?

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I wanted to know if it is fun to be a kindergarden teacher. I have been thinking about becoming one, but I wanted some advice from some real ones, or even future ones! thnx! =)




  1. I'm halfway through my training and loving it

    I wish I'd done it straight from school

    I'm hitting 40 and wanted a change

    It works for me

    I join in all the games, lead all the art and listen to so many funny sayings I couldn't start to list them

    eg. "Why are you taking so long to change for games?"

          "The buttons are being cheeky and won't line up!"

  2. Kindergarten is fun, but the younger the child, the more emotional and physical attention is required.  In K they don't know how to line up, raise their hand, wait their turn etc, where as when they are a bit older, this important basic info has been taught to them.  I've taught preschool thru middle school.  I loved teaching 1st grade, beginning reading and all, but I was a single parent with a 1st and 3rd grader, and I got burnt out after a few years.  I moved to 4th and it was easier on me.  No one grade is really any easier than another, they all have their issues, but K takes high energy, patience, do you want to stop and wipe 25 noses and tie their shoes ?   It just depends on you and your stage in life.

  3. I LOVE teaching kindergarten!!  I have been teaching kindergarten for 5 of my 13 years as an educator.  It takes a great deal more patience and an always UPBEAT attitude teaching K, than it does for teaching an upper grade.  You will be exhausted at the end of a week, but there are many. many rewards.

    Kindergarten children are so inquisitive and hard working - they want to please and learn, AND they do not have a jaded attitude.  In this age group (5-6 1/2) it is rewarding to see the cognitive and social changes that occur from the beginning of a school year to the end.  It is just awesome to think how much YOU are contributing to the children's scholastic success.  I FIRMLY believe that having a good kindergarten teacher sets the stage for how well a child will do in school.

    YOU CAN BE AS CREATIVE AS YOU WANT and your efforts will be appreciated!

  4. I am a junior in college training to become an early childhood education teacher. I have a ton of experience with kids and i have to tell you. if you are serious about becoming a teacher..go for it. There is nothing more rewarding then making a big impact on children. Yes, they will drive you nuts some days. But seeing them grow and learn from your teaching is the most rewarding experiences ever. But, only go into teaching if you are serious about it. It is going to take tonz of work but it is worth it.

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