
Question for Loki Wolfchild or any Sibe expert?

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Is it true that Sibes don't eat as much as same sized breeds? I think that is true, is that right?




  1. I'll star for Ulva Child, though to S.S., Loki is another one of our great Sibe experts.

    They might eat less, I think I remember hearing that somewhere. In any case, I'll star :)

  2. I have a husky and I am surprised everyday that she doesn't eat more. She is about 53 lbs and she never has eaten the "recommended" ammount of food... even when she was a growing puppy. She might eat about 2 cups of high quality food a day... sometimes she doesn't even eat that. I was really concerned for awhile... but the vet always says she looks great!

    I've done a lot of research on them and I've always read that they don't eat as much as they should-for their size. The breed is genetically used to eating w/e they can find in the snow from sticks to small animals (which wasn't much)... ... w/e they could find when they were used by the Chukchi people-who originally bred them as a sled dog. This also explains their high predatory drive to get small critters! haha.

    Hope this helps!


  3. they eat as much as they want

  4. uhhh no

  5. If by Sibes you mean Siberian Husky then no, but they are self eaters and will stop eating when full. Otherwise I have no idea what ur talking about.

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