
Question for Marines?

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I heard that if you join the Marines as an officer, you're guaranteed a slot in flight school if you request it, some sort of contract. First of all, is this true? Is it true if you do PLC or OCS? Please help!




  1. dont believe everything you hear about the military, especially when it comes to jobs in the military.

  2. JetDoc is wrong, in fact he has no idea what he is talking about.  I am a Marine officer currently in flight training.  Here's the deal.  You can join on a flight contract.  It will guarantee you a slot at flight school, but not your wings.  You still have to go through OCS/PLC, TBS, API, Primary, and Advanced.  It is a long road, but well worth it.  Believe me, I did civilian flying and this is tons better, at least for me.  

    Now, to apply talk to your local OSO.  Tell them that you want a flight contract.  He will have you take the ASTB, which is an aviation selection test.  If you do well and pass a med screen, flight physical, and security clearance, then he will start getting your package together.  It will be sent off, and before you commit, you will know if you are a aviation (pilot or nav) or ground contract.  If you do OCS, don't let the OSO talk you into a ground contract that you can switch later.  That is extremely hard to do.  PLC Juniors can switch, but not after Seniors.  I would still be wary of trying to switch.  Good Luck!  One last thing, remember it is good to ask questions, and your OSO can answer them for you.  I know this all seems like a lot of work, but trust me, it's worth it.  For one, you are a Marine, for two, you fly sh**t hot aircraft.

  3. The Marines place you where THEY need you to be. There are no guarantees that you will get a slot for flight training, and even if you do, there are no guarantees that you will finish school and become a pilot.  I don't know who keeps feeding this line of c**p to people, but the US Military IS NOT the best way to become a commercial pilot.

    If you want to fly for the airlines, then sign up for the training, and work towards your goal by the most direct route.  If you want to take a high risk that you will be killed or permanently disabled before your 30th birthday, then join the Marines
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