
Question for Married Women?

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Did you know your husband was gonna be the one before he even popped the question. From the very first date I went on with my husband I knew he was gonna be mine....I think that is so freakin strange lol




  1. yep..right away:)

  2. I'm like you in that I had that feeling right off the bat and it only got stronger. I knew we were going to get married before he proposed. We started talking about our future together within the first 2 months of meeting. Maybe it's strange to have this kind of feeling, but it's a good kind of strange. ; )

  3. No, we were friends first. The love came gradually and has lasted 15 years.

  4. no, i just went on a date, and a few more and it just happened for us.

  5. It was obvious from our third date or so that we clicked on just about every level. I knew we'd be together a long time, but at the time I wasn't thinking in terms of decades.

    My bad.

  6. Totally. No if, ands, or buts about that.


  7. kinda as he was among a few choices of guys with character and concern for people and animals, he was narrowed down and chosen as my steady date by my  african grey parrot, he called his name all the time, running every guy I dated away.

  8. Yeah me too, from our first date, i knew he was the one, we were so compatible w/each other that it literally scared me, i thought it was too good to be true, then we continued to date, and eventually he proposed and here we are!

  9. Well actually I was a little stubborn. My husband spent months trying to get me to go out with him. I had been hurt and wasn't ready but after I finally went out with him I knew he was the one right away.

    The funny thing is my husband knew it from the moment he saw me and that is why he kept after me. I am a lucky girl.  

  10. we talked about marriage after 2 weeks

  11. heehee there was a connection  the day i met him, weirdness that is

  12. No, I didn't know from the date. We dated for a long time before we did get married. (4 years). I knew he was the one for me within at least a year of our relationship. Don't have the time to explain why I knew it. He didn't propose to me, he just said "Lets go to the mall and pick out an engagement ring". He can be a little shy. But we have been together for 15 years now and happier than ever. He completes me!

  13. I knew about two weeks after we started seeing each other.  Of course when he popped the question we had talked about getting married before, so we already knew the answer.  But I did know...though I did not tell a soul because I thought they would think I was nuts.

  14. It was the first night we met in person; Yes, I knew there was def some good things happening between us. I went through alot of c**p before I found my prince but when I seen him and after about an hour, I knew we'd have a long happy life together and he feels the same.

  15. Yes... he wasn't like any other guy I met. We sat out by a river and talked about everything.. and most of all, he didn't make a move on me. And that showed me he was respectful. And that was really important to me. He is my one and only.

  16. Yes I knew after our first conversation on the phone that lasted over 5 hours


  17. Yeah

    The first day we met....we clicked

    I was like he could be the one

    and i was like idk why i said that


    ever since then we've been together

    i love him w/all my heart

    we've talked about marriage and kids and all that for our future

  18. I did.  From the very first email he sent me.

    (We dated on the internet first, then met in person, then married)

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