
Question for Muslims .How is Ramadan celebrated ?

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What do you do ? And what are you celebrating?




  1. The holy month of Ramadan isn't a celebration, it's a month of worship. The Quran was revealed during the month of Ramadan, but we aren't celebrating that. We are only worshiping God's laws. We fast (no food or water, nothing) from sunrise to sunset, don't drink, smoke, have sexual intercourse (while fasting), etc. Drinking and smoking obviously applies to everyday of our lives, but people try extra hard in Ramadan. Also lying, cheating, stealing, backbiting, etc. We fast for various reasons but the main one is because it is obligatory, one of the 5 pillars of Islam. Ramadan allows us to feel and go through what less fortunate people go through and during this month, we give a lot to charity. Patience is another thing we gain, by abstaining from any food, water, sexual intercourse from sunrise to sunset for approximately thirty days (depending on the lunar calendar). We try to squeeze in as much as worshiping as we can, praying, reading the Quran, going to the Mosque, etc. The real celebration are the three days after Ramadan, Eid Al-Fitr, and about 2 months and ten days afterwords, Eid Al-Adha (also dependent on the lunar calendar). During these holidays, the Muslim community gathers early after dawn, pray together, and go off to a bunch of parties, family gatherings, etc. Children are given money and presents (cultural thing) and everyone just gets together for a big feast. This lasts for three days, but people only tend to make it a grand on the first. Hope this answered your question =)

  2. Its a month of Allah's Mercy and Forgiveness

    Allah Is always mercifull and forgiving but this month ,these attribute of Allah r on the highest degree ,

    KInd of Annual Sale .

    So we try hard to get his mercy by obeying him more & more

    Worshipping HIM to the BEST of our ABILITIES.

  3. i used to be a muslim.

    and honestly "ramadan"

    and all that c**p is just brainwashing !

  4. You are supposed to fast, once you reach Puberty

    You should also be especially kind this time of the year

    Give to charity, help the homeless and once again ESPECIALLY this time of the year. This should be done all year long, It is just that it's stressed this time of year because it is a blessed month.

    We are celebrating, basically, Allah, OUR GOD.

  5. we celebrate the month in which the wholly qura'an came .

    we fast from the dawn till the sunset and then we all meet together , friends and family , to eat together , then we go to pray and then before dawn , we have to eat sohour( so that we can fast ) !   hope that helps  

  6. Ramadan is the month that the Quran (the holy book) was given to Muhammad.

    During Ramadan Muslims are supposed to fast from sunrise to sunset. Fasting means we abstain from eating, drinking, and sexual relations. The act of fasting is supposed to help us better understand the plight of the poor and hungry.

    But Ramadan is also about building our spirituality. During the entire month of Ramadan, one is not supposed to engage in backbiting, gossiping, and obscenities. Instead, it is encouraged that people study more Quran (the holy book) and hadiths (sayings of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)) to better learn the religion.

    People are encouraged to be more compassionate, giving, and helpful. Thus charity is encouraged. People try to pray more often to build a better and closer relationship with God.  

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