
Question for Muslims part 2?

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As we already from the last question I asked. Jesus' original name was Yeshua. Yeshua translate into Arabic as يسوع. But for some odd reason the Quran translates it as عيسى. So why does the Quran incorrectly misuse Jesus' original name? Wouldn't you agree me that Jesus should be refereed to as يسوع (Yeshua) and not عيسى (Isa) in the Quran?

If you disagree please state why because at this moment of time. I can see a clear cut grammatical mistake in the Quran.





  1. Guys, leave the dude alone. He's trying to ask something for goodness sake. Stop going on the defensive everytime someone asks a question.

    I didn't know the answer, but Rumaitha's answer looks fantastic. I think the answer is more to do with language than Quran.

    Good question anyways :)

  2. Do you honestly think it was a clear cut grammatical error in the Quran ?!!

    Tell me why then this mistake  wasn't corrected  ? Do you think prophet Muhamed didn't know that the Arab Christians say Yasoua not Essa ?

    I really don't know why Allah used the word Essa عيسى  not Yasoua يسوع it doesn't bother me if Allah is calling Jesus Essa ,  but I'm sure it's not a mistake , how very silly if I thought it was .

    Respected fellow  , give it up , Quran is from God , we will not have to wait long to know that but it will be toooooooo late for the disbelievers .

  3. Your attempts to dismantle Islam and its rules are worthy of ridicule and laughter. Why come into the ramadan section, just so you can *try* your very best to make Islam look bad? Do you think the scholars are stupid? Do you think they're blind?  

  4. The Arabic script was neither invented nor adopted. It is said to have derived from the Aramaic script (through Syriac and then Nabatean), the earliest script being found in 328 A.D. in modern day Syria. It has formed over time to start including dots as sound markers and the vowel system. Arabic, Aramaic, and Hebrew are all Semitic languages which share very similar grammar, sentence structure, sounds, and vocabularies.

    The name Yeshua transliterated (not translated) into Arabic is (يسوع) and is not Hebrew, but Hebrew-Aramaic. The real Hebrew word for Jesus is יהושע - Yehushua. As I mentioned above, the Arabic language derived from Aramaic and thus resembling the Hebrew-Aramaic form of Jesus (Yeshua). So, that is not a grammatical mistake, rather the Arabic form of the word Yeshua which derived from Aramaic.

    May I add to the other users, I don't think fault is trying to be found, but more of a point being made. It's best to just answer the question if you know or don't, no need for remarks.

    To Asker:

    You're very welcome :)

    To Massi:

    Actually, the name Esous (عيسوس) is the Greek form of the name Yehushua. From there,  the word "Jesus" derived through Latinization (if that's even the word). The name (Jehoshua) isn't even Hebrew. Hebrew does not have the letter/sound "J". The original is Yahushua, everything stemmed out from that word.

    To Massi:

    I am fluent in Hebrew, there is no "J" sound in Hebrew and the original form of the name is Yehushua. Esous is the Greek (Latin) form of the name Yehushua.

  5. Beatalic messiah prove me your existence

  6. Allaah referred to 'Eesaa with the name 'Eesaa, names such as Ibraaheem and 'Eesaa are not originally in the Arabic language.

    Allaah says:

    ذْ قَالَتِ الْمَلَـئِكَةُ يمَرْيَمُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُبَشِّرُكِ بِكَلِمَةٍ مِّنْهُ اسْمُهُ الْمَسِيحُ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ وَجِيهًا فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالاٌّخِرَةِ وَمِنَ الْمُقَرَّبِينَ - وَيُكَلِّمُ النَّاسَ فِى الْمَهْدِ وَكَهْلاً وَمِنَ الصَّـلِحِينَ

    It's from the Masdar عيس and Ibn Mandhoor mentions concerning it:

    وعِيسَى: اسم المسيح، صلوات اللَّه على نبينا وعليه وسلم؛ قال سيبويه:

    عيسى فِعْلَى، وليست أَلفه للتأْنِيث إِنما هو أَعجمي ولو كانت للتأْنيث

    لم ينصرف في النكرة وهو ينصرف فيها، قال: أَخبرني بذلك من أَثِق به، يعني

    بصَرْفِه في النكرة، والنسب إِليه عِيْسِيٌّ، هذا قول ابن سيده، وقال

    الجوهري: عِيسى اسم عِبْرانيّ أَو سُرياني، والجمع العِيسَوْن، بفتح السين،

    وقال غيره: العِيسُون، بضم السين، لأَن الياء زائدة

    (* قوله «لأن الياء

    زائدة» أطلق عليها ياء باعتبار أنها تقلب ياء عند الإمالة، وكذا يقال فيما

    بعده.)، قال الجوهري: وتقول مررت بالعِيسَيْنَ ورأَيت العِيسَيْنَ، قال:

    وأَجاز الكوفيون ضم السين قبل الواو وكسرها قبل الياء، ولم يجزه

    البَصريون وقالوا: لأَن الأَلف لما سقطت لاجتماع الساكنين وجَب أَن تبقى السين

    مفتوحة على ما كانت عليه، سواء كانت الأَلف أَصلية أَو غير أَصلية، وكان

    الكسائي يَفْرق بينهما ويفتح في الأَصلية فيقول مُعْطَوْنَ، ويضم في غير

    الأَصلية فيقول عِيسُون، وكذلك القول في مُوسَى، والنسبةُ إِليهما عِيسَويّ

    ومُوسَويّ، بقلب الياء واواً، كما قلت في مَرْمًى مَرْمَوِيّ، وإِن شئت

    حذفت الياء فقلت عِيسِيّ وموسِيّ، بكسر السين، كما قلت مَرْميّ ومَلْهيّ؛

    قال الأَزهري: كأَن أَصل الحرف من العَيَس، قال: وإِذا استعملت الفعل

    منه قلت عَيِس يَعْيَس أَو عاس يَعِيس، قال: وعِيسى شبه قِعْلى، قال

    الزجاج: عيسى اسم عَجَمِيّ عُدِلَّ عن لفظ الأَعجمية إِلى هذا البناء وهو غير

    مصروف في المعرفة لاجتماع العُجمة والتعريف فيه، ومَنال اشتقاقه من كلام

    العرب أَن عيسى فِعْلى فالأَلف تصلُح أَن تكون للتأْنيث فلا ينصرف في

    معرفة ولا نكرة، ويكون اشتقاقه من شيئين: أَحدهما العَيَس، والآخر من

    العَوْس، وهو السِّياسة، فانقلبت الواو ياء لانكسار ما قبلها، فأَما اسم نبيّ

    اللَّه فعدول عن إِيسُوع، كذا يقول أَهل السريانية، قال الكسائي: وإِذا

    نسبت إِلى موسى وعيسى وما أَشبهها مما فيه الياء زائدة قلت مُوسِيّ وعيسيّ،

    بكسر السين وتشديد الياء.

    وقال أَبو عبيدة: أَعْيَس الزرعُ إِعْياساً إِذا لم يكن فيه رطب،

    وأَخْلَس إِذا كان فيه رَطْب ويابِس.

    (I do not have time to translate this all, but since you asked a question about the Arabic language then your answer will be in Arabic)


    I think what sister Rumaitha had mentioned is a good enough summary of what Ibn Mandhoor compiled in his Leesaanul 'Arab.

    EDIT 2:

    I probably wouldnt recommend just translating what Ibn Mandhoor mentioned either because of the level of Arabic which he is speaking about concerns a basic understanding in Sarf and Nahw, a person ignorant of these wouldn't be able to understand the explanation.

    EDIT 3:

    No not referring to you, but referring to whoever attempts to translate it would not be able to give an accurate translation unless they understand what is Sarf and would have to be able to explain it in order for you to understand it.

  7. I think you are a Jew. and very crazy.

  8. asker a question from you ?

    Is jesus Son of God ?

    Answer me please

    Edit ===>>>>

    Aren't you a mental ?

    What do you mean by song of god

  9. Because the Quran is written in Arabic so they refer to him with the Arabic version of his name. Whats so hard to understand about that? In the English version they refer to him as Jesus and not Isa....and whats your point?


    I am not saying its right or wrong etc I am saying people use the language they speak to pronounce and say things. Ishmael is Micheal, David is Dawd so Jesus being Isa, Mary is Miriam big deal?

  10. the original name is "Esous"(عيسوس)   and u know that in the greek's language they always add this "s" is the final ,so عيسوس=عيسى

    read this for more

    ما إسم المسيح حسب قواميس اللغة هل هو يسوع أم جيسوس أم…عيسى؟

    أكبر دليل على أن الترجمات غير سليمة بل مشوهة ……. حتى أسم الإله عندهم غيروه لكي لا يشابهوا الإسلام

    ولكن قاموس سترونج فضحهم

    Strong’s Hebrew Bible Dictionary

    يقول في كلمتة هل هو “jesus ” أو يسوع أم عيسى




    Of Hebrew origin [H3091]; Jesus (that is, Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites: - Jesus.

    النطق هو عيسوس …….. والمقطع الأخير (وس) كان يضاف دائما على الأسماء في اللغة اليونانية

    فيكون أسمه عيسى

    والله أكبر ولله الحمد

    وأنا أريد أن أسأل كل نصراني ما الذي جعلهم يغيرون أسم المسيح الحقيقي رغم أنهم يعرفونه ؟

    الموضوع حسب ترجمة القواميس من ترجمات اليونانية الى الانجليزية


    @Rumaith ,yes it's the original form of the name Jesus

  11. from "Esau" not from "Joshua"



    Foundation Stone... Isaiah 28:16... Peter used this verse to give

    the idea of Jesus as the

    living cornerstone

    (1 Peter 2:4-6)

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