
Question for PRO-LIFE people?

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Hypothetical question for you.

From other questions I have posted I have gathered you have respect ONLY for human life, not for animals.

So, let's say a dog saved your life, during a fire he got you out of the house,he demonstrated his love and obedience for you.

Another time your dog is in great danger of burning alive.

At the time this happens you can prevent a woman that decided to have an abortion from having an abortion.

Would you save your dog from burning alive, or would you chose to prevent that woman from having an abortion?




  1. I'll TOTALLY  play devils advocate here and say depends.  If the gal is one of those crack heads pumping out kids and living in a drug ghetto and just making babies that join the gangstas that go around killing people over money and drugs....I'll choose my dog.

  2. First of all, I don't think a dog can drag all my weight.

    And why are you comparing a dog to a human life?

  3. After reading all these people's responses, I have no faith in humanity and I see its time for me to log off of Y!A for a while....

    It's an embryo, not a human being. Sometimes it's a good thing to not have a kid - such as when the mother has a high risk of passing on diseases, the child would end up in an foster home, the child would stay with terrible parents.... there are many scenarios in which it would be terrible to bring another child into the world.

    I'd save that d**n dog!

  4. Respect ONLY is wrong. VALUE human life above an animal - of course. Would you save your dog or your child?

  5. Can you really justify a human life against an animal's life the fact that we are talking about a  human life set's it apart from the animal world.

    2002 A Space Odyssey the 2nd time around the question was use Hal the computer to boost the Russian space ship safely toward earth without Hal knowing he would perish in the boost or tell Hal he was needed to boost all the humans to safety hence saving there lives.

    The last mission Hal killed all the Astronauts accept Dave who was able to disable Hal but on this mission they needed Hal to use the American space ship to boost them to safety.

    This Hal was a repaired and more reliable computer but still it was a repaired clitch in the original program.

  6. actually they tend to not have respect for protecting life or the large majroity of them would also not support the death penalty.

    I'm sure however a percentage of those thought DP meant double penetration and not "death penalty" so we can excuse those.

  7. I'm not a pro-lifer so to speak but trying to equate human and animal life is way out there.

    I see your little gambit with the inter species thing and that's a clever and legitimate point, so kudos to you, but I'd still have to say that neither God nor Darwin would support the idea of putting another species above your own, and a loyal pack animal specially bread for loyalty to man is a rare exception in the animal world not the rule. lions and tigers and sharks don't give a rats @ss if I live or die.

  8. throw a coin to decide.  

  9. I choose the dog, if only because the woman will have an abortion one way or another.

    I love animals more than I love people to be honest, and it's actions such as war, etc. that I do.

  10. You gathered wrong

    ALL life is precious

    The problem here is, what is more logical?

    The dog, I can save without doubt, but do I let the dog die and try to save the baby knowing full well that woman is already firm in her choice and I will most likely have let the dog die in vain

    So, I can let the dog AND the baby die, or I can save the one that actually has a chance

    Realistically, though, I can't imagine that I wouldn't have time to do both

  11. I would try to do both.

  12. Why don't you STFU we are so tired of you crispy deep fried Christians forcing your outdated myths on everyone . Why does your bible say it is ok to rape a woman as long as you pay her father 50 pieces of silver and marry her ?

    If you don't try to save all lives concerned even if it costs your own you are less than human . Also realise that an abortion is HER choice not yours you have no right to make a decision for anyone else . Unless you are willing to adopt and care for that baby don't say one word or attempt to legislate her rights out of existence .

  13. Since the hypothetical never comes about, why worry about it?  The human soul is the most important thing on the earth because it lasts forever, although the child aborted would be assured of heaven.  If my dog saved me from fire why can't he save himself this time?

    An embryo is a baby developing.  It does not later become alive, it is alive at conception.  Read the Bible.  When Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant with John the baptizer Mary, mother of Jesus visited her.  Mary was newly impregnated.  Without a word, John recognized Jesus even though both were still unborn children meaning the child is a child from conception.

  14. OK,  first.. this is a very contrived scenario which I really doubt has happened.  that's 2 fires, I think we should seriously investigate this person as a possible arsonist. hehehehehehe

    OK, so to answer your question...

    I don't think there is any standard way to definitive way to settle your scenario.What we have is a loose-loose situations where you stand to loose something regardless of your choice.  On top of this, I think you are trying to get some incite into "Pro-Lifers" which means you are either going to "generalize" the answer to apply to ALL Pro-lifers OR you are likely to disregard the middle of the road responses and choose the one that fits your pre-conceived notions of Pro-lifers.

    So be careful of those 2 outcomes and realize that in a loose-loose scenario.. there is rarely a definitive answer.

    Still.. here is my PERSONAL response.

    Since it is loose-loose, I'd evaluate the situation in regards to "potentials" and "likelihoods"

    1) Potentials / Value

    Which life holds more potential. The life of a dog or the life of an unborn human.  Certaintly a human holds more potential to contribute to society. The baby could be the next person to discover the cure for AIDS.. where as my dog can not.

    Dogs and people are NOT the same species even. Where as 1 human aborting another human are the same species.  As smart as my poor dog is.. he lacks the potential that a human embryo has.  Allowed to continue unmolested, the embryo has more potential then the dog.

    2) What is the likelihood that a good samaritan will assist? Has the fire dept. arrived yet? What about friends and family? Mostly likely a firemen will assist with rescuing my dog.. so that might free me to assist the lady.

    Therefore, given the following criteria.. I choose to save the baby.

    1) Potential of the baby to rise to greatness.

    2) Potential for someone else to save my Dog, yet only I can stop the abortion.. according to you (even though this person is a stranger, apparently I have significant sway in what she does)

    3) Potential for my Dog to save itself.. since he/she was able to pull ME out of a burning building and I'm like 200lbs. -- The dog can probably get its own @s out of there better then I can.

    4) The fact that it is loose-loose so something tradgeic will happen today, which is outside of my control..all I can do is limit the tradegy based on my choice.

    Loose-loose situations should not be the basis for laws.  Many christian churches have repeatedly said that when faced with a scenario where you either loose the mother or loose the baby.. it is totally acceptable to make that decision on your own. No special abortion laws needed. You can either save the baby and allow the mom to die OR you can allow the baby to die so that the mom lives on and tries for another baby or raises her existing children.  There is no wrong answer in a loose loose situation.

    HOWEVER,  abortion laws are not centered around loose-loose situations, so they can't be used as a basis for legalization.

  15. We as humans naturally must value human life over all other. If we saw humans being mistreated and slaughtered like cows or chickens, of course we would be much more outraged.

    Everyone who thumbed down me better be a friggin vegetarian.

  16. save the baby, i love animals, but human life's are more important then animals call 911 to help the dog

  17. These are the same people who would rather save themselves then other people. If their life isn't threatened they really don't care if something happens to anyone else unless it effects their reputation. To me, it would take less time for the dog to burn then it would for the woman to go to the abortion clinic. Plus there is no certainty that the woman would change her mind, this is more of a gamble than saving the dog.  

  18. I'd save the dog.  After all, dog is god spelled backwards

  19. I am pro-life, but would probably go with my dog.  After all, you can prevent anyone from doing anything.

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