
Question for PROs or people who have had self experiences ..?

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Among "Running on a tread mill" and "Cycling in the gym on a machine", which of these two is more effective in reducing my waist line. It currently measures 32 inches and I want to bring it below 30.

So among those two...which is more effective ? PROs and people who have really reduced waist lines, please answer...Thanks a lot !




  1. My mother has been a personal trainer for 23 years.  She teaches "Spin" classes, circuit training and a variety of other classes.  There are many ways to reduce your waist line.  Some of the best are with the use of an exercise ball doing "core strengthening" exercise.  But of the two regimens you mentioned, the spin bikes are definitely your better option.  The motion of pedaling works your waist and abdominal area more specifically than the motion of running.

  2. Hello! I play proffesional soccer! And, a huge key factor in our game is our waist. We have 2 be fit and toned there...

    So, what we do to train is run outside in the early morning practise or at dusk when its most cool. [we dont run on teadmills unless its stormy outside because its not the same. U dont get as good results]

    We also lay on the floor [on our backs] and stick our legs straight out about 3 inches of the ground. [this mainly works the lower abbs] We do 3 sets 4 about 1:00 long each time. [u may not be there yet so, start off for 30 seconds and work your way up gradually.]

    Then, we do the usual crunches 3 sets. 100 each time. [again, work your way up gradually.]

    We also go about doing situps. The best way 2 get results is have some1 hold your feet down. We do 3 sets 50 each. [work your way up if needed.]

    If you want try doing side sit ups/ crunches. So, u dont have flabby love handles.

    But, always do these abb work outs after running, It burns more fat! And, also on that note, DO NOT DO ALL THE ABB WORKOUTS ALL AT ONCE!!! YOU WILL BE HURTING IN THE MORNING IF YOU DO! AND U WILL NOT BE ABLE 2 DO THEM AGAIN THE NEXT DAY!!!

    Try doing this 6 days out of the week.

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