
Question for Packer fans. Do the Packers need to get a veteran QB to back up Rodgers?

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It just makes me nervous with his history of getting injured and the fact we have to guys with zero NFL experience in camp now.Don't really know who they could get but I think they need a veteran QB badly.




  1. Rodgers should be pretty durable... although the NFL is rough he has a great offensive line... plus Brian Brohm will be a solid backup if they ever need him

  2. Without a doubt YES. I have jumped on Rodgers bandwagon, and Brohm was my top QB in the draft but, hey who will we put in if Rodgers ends up getting hurt again and Brohm plays like he did against the Bengals. If it were up to me I would take Daunte Culpepper (who I though they should have picked up last year when Favre almost retired) or Vinny Testeverde if he is not retired yet. Although each of those options could result in the release of Brohm.

    But Hey, Veteran QB or no Veteran QB the Packers are winning the Super Bowl Man! :-)

  3. no. they just let their best veteran go the jets.  if aaron rodgers is a bust its ted thompson fault he would have made his bed and have to lay in it

  4. Wouldn't hurt.  You guys don't have much if Rodgers goes down.  Testeverde or Brad Johnson aren't busy!  Ring 'em up!

  5. They HAD one, but they traded him....lolol.

  6. I'm waiting for my Bears to kick the c**p out of the Pack now, bye bye Green Bay! muhahahahahahahahahaha!

  7. NO they'll be fine without one.

  8. you must have heard this is ESPN in Madison?

    But yes, they really do. It is a huge risk and mistake you're taking as a GM to not have a vet qb on the side lines behind A-Rodg. The Packers should have traded Favre for Pennington and a Draft pick if they were smart. A-Rodg could have still been the started and you would be comfortable at the QB position knowing you have someone on the bench who can come and help you win gams if Rodg goes down. the packers still have time to go and grab a vet. Maybe they can try to talk Culpepper back into a possible deal that is for more $ and a longer term. Either way, the Packers are hurting themselves if they don't  

  9. Yeah the should sign Daunte Culpepper

  10. They definitely need a veteran quarterback to back up Rodgers. Aaron is injury prone. I will almost bet money on the fact that sometime this NFL season he will miss some games due to an injury.He is no Brett Favre when it comes to staying healthy.

    They might want to get Dante Culpepper.

    If Rodgers does get hurt they would really be screwed if all they had to depend on was Brian Brohm or Matt Flynn.

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