I have a 13 year old son. He recently had to be evaluated by a psychiatrist in lieu of a superintendent hearing due to a suspension from school. In the evaluation, the doctor had stated he felt my son displayed alot of symptoms of ADHD and recommended he be evaluated for it. My son has always been very smart, but had trouble focusing or sitting still in class. I've gotten calls from every teacher he has had since the 1st grade. He calls out in class and talks about things that don't pertain to the work at hand. His grades are slipping. Lately I have noticed his attitude is getting worse towards me. He has no respect for authority whatsoever. He talks back stating he has a right to defend himself (this is against me taking away his cell phone). He is rude, disrespectful and obnoxious. He hangs around with 2 sets of friends...one set are good kids, the other are 2 dirtbags in the area. He has asked me on several occasions if he could sleep over said dirtbags house or stay out later. When I say "no", he comes back and demands I give him a reason other than "because I said so". As his mother I have told him I don't have to give him any reason and he has no rights asking for one since he's the kid. This is getting worse and worse. The other day we had such a huge blowout I took all of his clothes and threw them on the floor so he could go live with his father (we are divorced). He started "crying" and begging me to stop being angry and promised he would change. Lo and behold, not more than 24 hours later, he is up to his c**p again. Can someone please point me in the right direction? I feel like I'm drowning in this whirlpool of a mess. I don't know how to punish without there being this huge scream-fest. Any advice would be great, especially if anyone out there has the same situation.