
Question for Republican's and McCain supporters, Does Palin's daughter being pregnant bother you enough to?

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affect your vote?

I don't care, that is their business in my opinion, what's yours?




  1. it increases my vote.

    nearly every mother in america who has a teenager has to deal with the reality of s*x....palin lives in the real world, she connects with real people.

    most teenagers dont listen to their parents, they just dont.  Palin is a real mother who deals with the same issues as eveyrone else.  She isn't in la-la land after all.

  2. Yes, since McCAIN had been saying that OBAMA HAS poor judgement, McCAIN PROVES HIMSELF WRONG.

    McCain knew before hand that Bristol was pregnant but he thinks that will not affect Paulin as the VP. this certainly show that McCain has poor judgement because this send the wrong message to other teens.

  3. That fact does not affect the way I will vote. She is a parent and unfortunately we cannot dictate what our teenage children do. All we can do is raise them in the manner we feel appropriate for our family and equip them to make the best possible choices for themselves, but that doesn't mean they always will. How many teenagers actually abstain from s*x until marriage these days? I personally know of only 2 who did. I think this reflects as much on society as a whole as it does the individual parents. At least she is supporting her daughter to do the right thing- Marry the father and raise this child. Obama or Hillary would have just driven their pregnant teen to planned parenthood for an abortion.

  4. I think it just makes her human.  Nothing more nothing less.  Doesn't affect my vote at all.

  5. I really don't think what is in the private life of the Presidential/VP candidate's personal life is important. It matters how they will run and take care of our country!

  6. Sarah Palin has proven her strength in this matter and respect is due to her. PRIVATE matters must remain private and other people has NO BUSINESS making a howl over it which is only a sign of ignorance.  

  7. Not really, I was thinking of voting for Ron Paul anyways.

  8. To those who said it was not their business: how did you treat Clinton years ago?

    Of course it will affect the election. I do not trust people to lead the nation who can not even guide their own children.

    What at huge drama...nothing surprises me from now on.

    I am about to give up on the Republicans... I was one and now where should I head?

  9. Look it up, the question has been asked at least 1000 times today in this section alone.

  10. No my vote will still proudly be cast for McCain/Palin.  Maybe even more so because she stands behind her principals!

  11. I actually have MORE respect for Palin for doing the right thing in the face of all adversary...she's a good mom and will be a great VP.

  12. This can happen in any family altho the religious Republicans are so morally correct, how could this happen to one of theirs?

  13. McCain is not using people like pawns in a game?

    I will still almost certainly vote for Obama

  14. It doesn't bother me in the slightest.  

  15. I realize anything can happen with kids, but this still doesn't speak well to her efforts to instill good values.  and family is supposed to be one of her strong suits.

    Wouldn't vote for McCain anyway, though.

  16. Doesnt affect my vote.


  17. As long as McCain is not the father

  18. It's none of your business nor any of mine.

    It's a topic as far as I'm concerned is off limits!

    McCain/Palin '08

  19. Not a bit.

  20. none of my business, don't care.

  21. Yes. I am sick and tired of liberal rino McCain and his missteps.

    I'm voting Bob Barr.

  22. If I was old enough to vote, I would still vote for McCain.

    Palin's daughter had NOTHING to do with the country.

    I say "get a life" to anyone who sees differenly.

  23. her having an abortion would bother me. Her living up to responsiblity is refreshing.

  24. No it doesnt

    But I am sure the Obama supporters attacking her for this is turning off a lot of women voters

    I hope they keep up the good work

  25. Absolutely not. I am a Democrat voting for John McCain, and nothing will ever change my mind.

  26. It does not, it is a PRIVATE FAMILY matter, and we need to keep our noses out of it. It has no basis on McCain's ability to turn this nation around. It has no basis on Sarah's ability to help him. It is a family thing, but she had to bring it in to the open because of stupid nosy people who are intent on scandal and causing undo and unjust pain on a downs syndrome baby and a  teenage girl, neither of whom are running for office.  

  27. Nope.

  28. Lets deal with it and spin this story into a positive like it makes Palin more in touch with the voters and more human we may still be able to salvage this campaign.

  29. It doesn't bother me at all.....Its a family matter, personal attacks on family should really be OFF limits.  This will have a backlash if it isn't handled appropriately by Obama and his minions.

  30. Not my vote.  Anything is better than having Obama in office.  But if the GOP leaders had any brains, if this woman failed to tell them about her daughter during her interview, they should get rid of her, if possible, and choose someone else.  But no, I will never vote for Barack Obama.

    Well, that's even more insane, but thanks for letting me know that.

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