
Question for School?

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how do I make my school funner? Im always bored..




  1. "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" by Grace Llewelyn

  2. Quit!  Try unschooling instead.  Life is too short to spend it in school.

    Read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" by Grace Llewelyn.  It will show you a whole world outside the classroom.

  3. First, do your assignments and study for all quizes. Being prepared takes the stress off and you won't have to worry about dodging a bullet later. Once that is done, imagine you are a secret agent on a mission to uncover a plot to destroy the universe. The instigator is somewhere in your school. Talk into your collar once in a while as if there is a hidden mic there. Ocassionally push several buttons on your calcuator and talk to it like it is a cell phone. Also don't forget to answer it once in a while.

  4. get involved. high school goes by fast so get in every club, orginization, or sport as possible. I suggest FCCLA, FCA, and golf
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