
Question for Teething in horses?

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When should i have the Wolf teeth removed? Two, three years old




  1. You don't always have to have the wolf teeth removed.  If they aren't very big they don't usually cause a problem, but I always try to have them taken out when my horses are yearlings if they need to be removed.  That way you never have to worry about the bit ever banging the wolf teeth and causing discomfort.

  2. The wolf teeth aren't usually removed before the age of two, but the general recommendation is to have them removed when you start putting a bit in the horse's mouth.  If you wait until the horse is three, you can wait that long on the teeth.

  3. It is suggested, we always do. Less problems afterwards

  4. If a horse is going to get wolf teeth it will usually be by the time it is 2 or 2 & 1/2 years old and they should be removed before you put a bit in the horse's mouth. It is a very simple on-farm dental extraction which takes only a few minutes after the horse is sedated. The wolf teeth have very short roots and are easy to pull so the vet will usually only use a small dose injection of xylazine to achieve mild sedation and the procedure is no more difficult or traumatic for the horse than rasping his teeth.

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