
Question for Vegans/Vegetarians?

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I've been Vegan for 2 weeks now and I think its really great, I don't even crave meat or milk... But sometimes it takes a lot of time up to plan meals. Does it take up a lot of time for you? And also, do you just get used to the foods you know are Vegan so it takes less planning?




  1. it takes me ages to plan meals i guess i just cant be bothered to be creative with food, like i dont eat tofu so i just kinda eat....veggies! i bought a vegan cook book and found the recipes in there take longer than just normal cooking

  2. Yea, it will get easier as you get more and more used to the lifestyle

  3. I agree with exsft. It's gotten much easier for me. I went vegetarian around 6 years ago, but went vegan around 2 years ago, and it gradually became easier for me to pick out/spot the vegan foods in grocery stores.

    If you research about the foods, it'll be much easier to know what you're looking for and you'll end up not spending so much time in a grocery store standing there wondering if this cereal or these waffles, etc, are vegan.

    Kroger (I'm not sure if every state has one, but here in Texas we do) has a GREAT supply og vegan and vegetarian foods, ranging from frozen deserts all the way to dinners, breakfasts, lunches, chips, cereals, oatmeal. You name it, they have a bunch.

    The foods I buy are pretty simple to make, mostly because I eat vegan vegetable rolls and vegan cereal (without soymilk... I stopped drinking soymilk and only drink water, I'm not sure why). But overall, I find it pretty easy to prepare meals. The only bad thing is when I'm forced to go out to eat... all I ever get is a plain salad :p

  4. I'm a vegetarian, it's very hard to become a vegan and I don't know if i'd be able to do it and have enough energy with my body.

    I definitely can saying being a vegetarian is the easiest thing ever and there are so many things you can eat that are fake meat and taste 10x better.

    I can also say I feel a lot healthier and well, I don't exactly enjoy eating animals.

  5. ive been vegetarian since i was born,, i dont think i could ever be vegan for more the 2 days though! lol but its not hard to make a meal! there are so many things you can eat!

    including vege meat which i personally think is delishh! and soy milk, some people dont like it but i looove it, expecially chocolate! but if ur not a fan of soymilk, rice milk is possibly even yummier! lol

    very often have i eaten a vegan cheese that wasnt disgusting,, but im sure theres one out!

    good luck! (:

  6. it gets a lot easier. Meals don't usually take that long for me anymore, but baking cakes/muffins etc. does

  7. It'll get easier.  The only time I spend meal planning is when I'm making out a grocery list.

  8. No and yes.

  9. yeah it sucks. I'd recommend getting a cookbook (like the Veganomicon) and start with stocking your pantry. Once you have some staples, you'll start to be able to work with them.

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