
Question for Vegans and Vegetarians.?

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I am a vegetarian. I do not eat eggs or consume dairy products. I also do not eat honey.

I do however eat sugar. Most sugar is filtered through animal ashes, so it's not vegan.

Do any of you refer to yourself as a vegetarian, but you still eat sugar?




  1. I call myself a vegetarian, but I don't bother with the nit-picky things (for example, the small amount of animal products in certain snack crackers, sugar, processed foods, etc.).  I think that what matters most is taking care of the BIG things.  If I cut out 98% of animal products from my diet, I'm improving my previous diet by 98%.  I don't think it's worth it to inconvenience yourself and others to be so nit-picky.

  2. My understanding is that bone char is used less and less and most manufacturers use a mechanical process to filter sugar these days.

    Tate & Lyle, for example, have not used bone char for some years and say that all their sugar is vegan

  3. I eat sugar, but I'm a vegetarian. I was not aware that sugar was filted through animal ashes. Where did you recieve this information?

  4. I dont use sugar, lie the kind in bags, but I do eat other sweets that contain sugar. I still call myself vegan because I dont eat meat, eggs, honey, dairy, or use items that were tested on animals. Doin the best I can

  5. I don't usually eat stuff with sugar in it because I don't like the taste all that much, but I'm thinking the unbleached sugar is vegan.

  6. I stay away from animal products, but labels on people are distasteful to me, so I just call myself by my name.

    I don't use sugar much, but to my knowledge evaporated cane juice (found in most health food stores) is vegan.

    Agave syrup, maple syrup, rice syrup, tapioca syrup and juice concentrates are all vegan.

    Fresh fruit is my favorite sweetness.

  7. I heard that somewhere to. Scary thought to be honest.

    I get most of the sugars i eat from fruit, it still tastes great.

    Also there are plenty of other sugars such as molasses, maple syrup etc, that you can get from health stores and supermarkets that are vegan.

  8. You've got all the facts about sugar down.  There are vegan sugars available, though.  Look for evaporated cane juice; it's granulated like "regular" sugar, but isn't char filtered.  Whole Foods sells vegan sugar under their 365 label, and my grocery store sells unbleached organic granulated sugar that specifically states that no animal products are used in processing.  You can also use Sugar In The Raw, sucanat, or other alternative sweeteners like agave, stevia and rice nectar.  So, there are lots of options if you want to embrace veganism.  (In my experience, many vegans source vegan sugar for use in cooking and baking, but if otherwise vegan items list sugar as an ingredient, many will go ahead and eat that product.)

  9. i still call myself vegan but  i do eat sugar as of right now. im doing my best with it but im low on cash quite often so i cant afford to buy raw sugar. once i get a steady income i defiantly plan on buying way more vegan friendly items (ex. cleaning products, etc) but i would rather not eat sugar but it seems super hard not to since there is sugar in like, everything. perhaps im missing something and if so someone let me know. but im doing my best with what resources i have.

    also if you dont eat eggs or dairy or honey then i think you should also consider yourself vegan.

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