
Question for Vegitarians and vegans?

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Why did you want to become a vegatiarian/vegan? What inspired you? No mean comments plz.




  1. I origanlly became a vegitarian to help with my allergies, my doctor recomended changing my diet, so I went vegetarian. Afterward, I did a lot of research and realized what actually happens in a slaughter house. I then became vegan, I have been a vegetarian for 8 ys, and a vegan for 1, and I have NEVER felt better. :)

  2. im not one and i'll never be but i know a friend who sedshe wanted to become vegan because her pet rabbit inspired!? :s

  3. I've been vegetarian for 5 years.  There were many, many factors in making my decision.  The meat industry is a cruel, disgusting practice.  Meat is not healthy.  But mostly, ever since I heard of vegetarianism as a kid, I just knew if would be for me...someday.  Finally that someday came.  And what keeps me here, mostly, is the gross-out factor. I can't imagine eating dead flesh.

  4. i did for all these reasons

    (i do not support peta, they just made really good points in this video)

  5. “If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That’s the single most important thing you could do. It’s staggering when you think about it. Vegetarianism takes care of so many things in one shot: ecology, famine, cruelty.”

    —Sir Paul McCartney

  6. i went on

    and saw how they killed all the animals.

    from the day i watched that i havnt even touched meat :)

  7. i watched a video on youtube that changed my life

    its called (meet your meat) or something like that.. just check youtube and you'll find the inspiration you're lookin for..

    good luck

    btw im 21 and vegan :)

  8. i'm not one but my friend is and she says its because she likes animals and doesnt want to eat them

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