
Question for Xbox 360 users. Need your opinion.

by Guest56361  |  earlier

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I'm really excited about Resident Evil 5 coming out in March. It's gonna be so cool! In celebration of that, do you think that Xbox should release some of the original RE's on the Xbox Live Arcade? Such as parts 1, 2 , and 3? Would you buy them if they came out?




  1. are u kidding of course i would i would want 2 i was looking for that game forever they should also make so u can post ur scores on the leaderboards yes!that would be awesome

  2. I wish they would remake them like the gamecube did.  I personally think 4 and 5 suck. I like the old gameplay, just like in 1,2,3, and Code Veronica. I'll still play 5 though when it comes out.

  3. h**l yes!! that would be dope

  4. Probably not cause then all the other games would need the previous games on Xbox LIVE like Halo 2 and COD games

  5. YES OH GOD YES, i do believe that i would its an awsum g4m3 woo

  6. Yes ,that would be awesome, but since it is not an xbox exclusive I do not think they will do that.

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