
Question for alarmists... What is the 'RIGHT' temperature for the planet?

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The inability to even answer this simple question proves that the science is totally unclear, incomplete and downright ridiculous! The only solution to global warming is if alarmists destroy all industry.... Then and only then will the warming trends and cooling trends that occur naturally anyway, be considered natural in the minds.




  1. Ding-ding-ding! We have a winner!

    There is a temperature range that is "normal" and it's pretty much what we have now. That's part of the big lie of the MAN-MADE GLOBAL WARMING believers. They have changed the language to lump any and all normal and natural climate change of the last 100 years into MAN-MADE GLOBAL WARMING.

    They can then ignore the constant and regular climatological changes that have occurred on this planet since the rocks first cooled billions of years ago.

  2. Non-question. Why don't you save the rhetorical nonsense for your political science class.  If I had a nickel for every brainwashed dittohead with no argument (or some rhetorical excuse for one) I'd start a foundation for the Education Of The Perpetually Ignorant to determine if there's any hope for these people.

  3. Bravo!!! Couldn't have said it better.

  4. I am a meteorologist with almost 30 years experience.   I find it appalling that people could take the Manmade Global Warming myth and blow it up to represent credible and verifiable science.

    Apparently when it comes to this topic,  idealogues and activists actually believe they can use political correctness to circumvent free speech.   Dr. William Gray was assailed verbally by a college student,  who was drunk on the Koolaid that Al Gore and the IPCC sells.   It is sickening.  The media attempts to portray this accomplished man as somewhat nuts.    Why?  Because he had the temerity to go against Al Gore and his Cylon-like minions.

    Dr. William Gray of the National Hurricane Center has 50 years of Meteorological experience.   He is the one who started the Hurricane Forecasts for each year,  yet but a snotty nosed little punk has more credence than does Dr.Gray.    Meteorologists are defacto Climatologists,  in that climatology is a key factor in assembling forecasts.

    What is so appalling is that there is such a disregard for basic earth science, that I want to pull out the rest of my hair.   Needless to say,  the earth is always seeking to maintain balance and even if there is this trend going on now, with regards to warming, it is most likely just a trend.  

    Weather, climatology and all sciences are subject to the laws of physics.   These laws are not waived just to appease a fanatical few who have coopted weather related issues to further their political agenda.

    I do believe that reducing emmisions is a good thing but there are many ideas out there and most, at this time,  are not feasible in the immediate future.   I expect that to change over time.    In the meanwhile we do need Anwar and other sources while we fix these problems.

    Dr S Fred Singer said Global Warming is occuring but it's just a trend.   He is eminently more qualified to opine than 99% of the buffoons who argue against him.

    As forecasters and meteorologists,  we make forecasts based on educated and reasonable data.  As one,  I reject people who say they are scientists but are like botanists or forensic scientist with some specious computer model, based upon an anedoctal data.

    I am weary of the zealots and on both sides,  who say things they cannot possible know or understand.

  5. We know with reasonable accuracy what the temp has been for the last 100 years, we know with moderate accuracy what the climate has been for the last 450,000 years, from the ice core record. The current average temp for the Earth 15c, this of course changes over time at the start of the last century it was closer to 14c, but it usually takes many thousands of years to move in and out of interglacial periods not 200.


    "They can then ignore the constant and regular climatological changes that have occurred on this planet since the rocks first cooled billions of years ago."

    I'm not sure who 'they' is as many of the scientists who support GW are the same ones who came up with the theories on the long term iceage's and their cycles, so are quite familiar with the concept of the average temp changing over time

  6. How does the inability of a few people on this site to answer your baited question prove anything wrong?  To answer your question, one must accept that there is a RIGHT temperature for the Earth.  This is a straw man argument as no scientist, global warming advocate or other, has ever claimed that there is a RIGHT temperature for any planet.  However, there are right temperatures for supporting life.  Global warming is not concerned with the temperature that the planet might reach, but how that temperature will affect life on the planet.

    Stop posting poor arguments as questions and go do some actual research about global warming (as it is painfully clear that you don't understand the theory in the least).

  7. i like it just warm enough to consider swimming every day in the summer. around 85 is good for me

    i like it to be cool and breezy in the spring say 73.

    in the winter i like it to snow for Christmas and make clearing the drive seem like a work out for a cold weather sport. In the area of 20 degrees is usually good.

    in the fall I want it to be brisk.  always brisk.  sweaters and scarfs.  around 45 degrees. on the weekdays and 55 on the weekends so that they seem nice by comparison.

    these are the right temperatures.

  8. What temperature is "right" anytime?   A person makes it "right" by dressing accordingly.   If it suddenly got 100 degrees warmer, you'd have to change out of a snow suit and into something less insulating.   Most species aren't able to adapt that fast, even to small changes in temperature.  

    You aren't asking a question, so I don't know why I bother to try to make you see any type of reason, but at least I get two points.

  9. There is no 'right' temperature for the planet. However the average temperature of the suface of earth has been around 14 degrees celsius (57F) up until about the mid 70's. Today it is hovering at around 15 degrees celsius (59F). While this may not seem like a big difference between days, the signifgance of the change lies in the fact that it is an average number.

    If you had billions of temperature samples average to 14, it would take a massive change in the overall heat content to raise the average to 15 (picture trying to raise the average grade point of a class by 1 point, when billions of students have been scoring 14).

    While the exact cause is open to debate, nearly all scientists and experts in the field agree that human activity is responsible for this temperature change.

  10. What I argue is not about global warming , but the other pollution that is involved as well.   I live In Los Angeles, and I remember how bad air pollution is down here.   THere was literally a wall of Smog at the border between L.A. county and Ventura.   As California got tough with pollution the air quality got better.    SO while you talk about Global warming and distract people from provable facts.  I want to make sure people understand that it's not just about CO2.    For crying out loud, have you looked at the price of gas at the pump.    Don't you think we should look for alternative fuel source that is sustainable rather than being at the mercy of foreign countries.

  11. The answer here is obvious. 72 degrees farenheight. That's the temperature my roommate and I were finally able to agree on. I prefer it around 68 degrees, but he always kept turning it up to about 80. The way I see it, I'm like the environmentalists and want it to be colder while my roommie is more like the republicans and wants it hot as h**l!

  12. The one intended by nature, before we screwed things up with global warming.  If we stop emitting so much CO2, nature will set the ideal temperature.

    "If the Earth came with an operating manual, the chapter on climate might begin with a caveat that the system has been adjusted at the factory for optimum comfort, so don't touch the dials."

    This graph shows you what's up.  The black line is what nature intended.  The sweep up to the arrow labeled 2004 is what we've done.  We need to get back to the black line.

  13. That is funny and hardly the point

    this planet has gone through many temperature changes

    as well as atmospheric conditions

    At one time the air was 60% carbon dioxde

    at times it was mostly ice ,and other times a total desert

    and a great range of temperatures with each.

    Many times it was not fit for humans to live on .

    What matters is ,what is the right temperatures for US,

    What WE can handle ,and what temperature do we need to raise out food

    One degree rise  results in 10% crop loss

    so if it rises enough our food production is in trouble

    it already is in some places

  14. Byderule,

    Don't you believe in a massive conspiracy plot of bankers vying for a one world government? And an ancient race of super intelligent reptilians ruling the Earth? I found such information on your website. Fascinating stuff....

    Matt said:

    "here is no 'right' temperature for the planet. However the average temperature of the suface of earth has been around 14 degrees celsius (57F) up until about the mid 70's. Today it is hovering at around 15 degrees celsius (59F). While this may not seem like a big difference between days, the signifgance of the change lies in the fact that it is an average number.

    If you had billions of temperature samples average to 14, it would take a massive change in the overall heat content to raise the average to 15 (picture trying to raise the average grade point of a class by 1 point, when billions of students have been scoring 14)."

    This is ridiculous--how long is that average of 14 degrees C based on? The average of 1950-70? Then yeah, 14 is roughly right. How about the average of the last 1 million years? Several degrees lower than 14, being that a majority of that time was spent in lengthy glacial periods. The average of the last billion years? Several degrees higher than 14, being that a majority of that time was spent in Greenhouse Earth conditions. The current GMST neither affects the average GMST of the last million years, nor the last billion years by a measurable amount. It doesn't even really affect the average GMST of the last 5,000 years. You must be confused by the use of the term "average".

    Antarcticice said:

    "but it usually takes many thousands of years to move in and out of interglacial periods not 200."

    What? We are currently in an interglacial, not moving out of a glacial period. Nothing about the recent temperature rise (last 150 years) is unprecedented, nor is it really all that atypical.

    Shilo said:

    "However, there are right temperatures for supporting life. Global warming is not concerned with the temperature that the planet might reach, but how that temperature will affect life on the planet."

    Is there a "right temperature for supporting life"? What is that magic temperature? You probably mean a range of temperatures for life (which is quite large--from penguins in antarctica to bacteria by undersea volcanic vents).

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