
Question for all Leos ?

by  |  earlier

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what are you proud the most about yourself ?




  1. idk

  2. Well I have venus, mars, jupiter and midheaven in leo. Would that count? I am proud of my generosity, kindness and sense of humor.

  3. My beauty.

    I'm very caring, sweet, and nice.

  4. 1. I haven't puked in a good 5 years.

    2. Whenever I confront someone in a public setting and call them out on something, usually four or five people come up to me later, and tell me that they thought the same things as I did.

    3. I make people laugh.

    4. I can carry all my groceries inside my house from my car in 1 trip, even if my car was filled almost to the brim.

    5. I do an amazing impression of a retarded guy.  I call companies up as a retarded guy... and all of the information people are amazingly nice to me.

  5. Lmfao ^^

  6. That i'm a Leo i'm beautiful and sweet strong have a big heart.

  7. I have an uncanny ability to spell things correctly, and i am really good at video games.

  8. i'm hot :D

  9. Leo moon here!

    Not really proud of anything. I feel like I have failed big time and I'll never be able to accomplish my dreams.

  10. -something bothering you Rye?

  11. hmm i would say me being me,

    a lot of people judged because

    were egotistical and were bossy...

    we like things done the right way,  among other things but i would change a thing...

    some people mistake my aggressiveness for rudeness....

  12. our existence itself...

  13. Does a Mercury and Jupiter in Leo count???

    I am most proud of my Giving nature. Also, to just be me is rather nice. I'm proud of that. :)

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