
Question for all figure skaters?

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I am a gamma in figure skating and am about to learn the waltz jump. Is it pretty hard. and wat are the steps to it. i want to show my coach i have some idea of wat to do at my private lesson haha.




  1. I would tell you, but i see it would be wasting my time because a few other people have already answered, but my best friend and I are both really good. we are on a state team. My friend is training for the olympics, she got accepted,


  2. pratice it alot off ice and remember to use your arms because if you dont it wont work, you need to use all your body, and dont look down

  3. waltz jump is the same as a free jump the salcow and cherry flip all end up going in the same as a waltz jump just with different entries.

    before you do the waltz jump first practice the bunny hop as it is the first part of the jump so assuming you jump anti clockwise, glide on the left foot then take off from the left toe pick, bringing the right leg through (as if you are going to knee someone) jump off the left toe land on the right toe pick and then push onto the left flat edge gliding forward, one you master that try the waltz jump from stand still at the start of one of the hockey goal marks on the ice, push onto a forward left outside edge take both arms back then bring arms and right leg through and jump round half a turn and land on the right back outside checking both arms to the side, also practice this jump of ice to get the feel of it so when you get on the ice it will feel easier.

    happy skaitng x

  4. Waltz jumps are a lot of fun!!  First, start practicing them from a "stand still."  (they're easy to practice off-ice as well)  Using a hockey line, stand in a t-position, facing the line.  Assuming you skate "righty," kick your right leg through and scoop up with your arms to your chest.  Jump over the line, landing backwards.  Also practice your landing position so that it's strong; bent skating knee, upper body over the skating knee, free leg/foot (left) behind your with toe pointed out, arched back, chest up and arms out.  Once you're comfortable with the waltz jump standing still, starting out slow, add a few backward crossovers.  For example, do 3 back (left over right) crossovers, push back into your landing position, step forward on your left foot (turning towards the left), kick your right leg through and go into your jump.  

    Once you have that down, try to do 3 in a row.  Just keep repeating the push back, step forward and jump.  Also, try a waltz jump, side toe hop, waltz jump.

    As you get used to the waltz jump, you'll find that you can control the height by kicking your right leg through straight, adding to the "split" in the middle of the jump and scooping with your arms.  

    Good luck!

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