
Question for all the parents having their kids at a kindergarten school... pls help and answer ALL questions?

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1. What do you understand by play?

2. Is play linked to learning?

3. What do children learn from play?

4. Is play important for children? Why?

5. Do you play with your child/children? if no, why?

6. How do you think a 3/4 year old should spend his/her day at kinder?

7. What type of activities do you expect children to participate in?

8. What skills, knowledge, attitudes and competencies do you expect your child to acquire?




  1. 1-4.  Play is what toddlers/preschoolers do.  It is their job and how they learn.  By playing they learn concepts such as in, out, up, down, around, under etc.  Play is how children interact with their environment and with each other (parents too).  It is very important to have children play for social reasons also.  This is how they learn problem solving and social rules which leads to better social skills as adults.  If a child doesn't learn to get along with others when they are 3-4 then as an older child they really struggle.

    5.  YES,  I teach at a school and preschool and have 2 children of my own.  I strongly believe that children need to have play time.  It allows them to apply things they are learning and figure their world out.  With a parent/teacher next to them you can challenge that learning in a fun and non stressful environment.  Learning is fun if you do it during play.

    6.  Listening to books, playing in semi structured play time, doing activities that reinforce necessary preacademic skills, learning problem solving skills and social skills.

    7.  Hands on activities that teach concepts, vocabulary social awareness, preacademic awareness (such as letters, sounds, vocabulary)

    8.  Awareness of reading and words, letters, sounds.  Increase vocabulary.  Social and problem solving skills and the willingness to be wrong.  Taking risks isn't allowed these days but it is part of life and something that they must learn to accept in the early years in order to be an active participant in the educational setting.

  2. Hi there, I work at a nursery so I'll give my opinion =]

    Play is a social interaction between several different amount of children at different stages of learning from different cultures and  different abilities, not only this but children of all different personalities, when children interact with eachother it forms more of each individuals personality this allows the child to know that everyone is different but is treated as an equal, not all children will like eachother but this will allow the child to gain socialisation skills and understand that manners are mantotory whether you like someone or not.

    Play is most defently linked  to learning, young children are taought through play simply because children hav e a shorter consintration span therefore while teaching the children we must be loud, lively and bold using hand gestures different voices bright colours and toys, we can teach any sunject in this way such as teaching how to add and subtract by using their favourite toys, it just helps them consentrait longer, understand better, and want to learn more!!

    PLay is very important in a childs learning process, because it teaches and broadens childrens social interaction allowing them to be more open minded to socialising with all children from all walks of life, yes evenb children can be judgemental, if a child didnt interact with eachother during play the world would be a much different place simply because no one would give eahcother a chance!!

    Parents should infact play with their children no matter how small or how much, the child will be able to interact with you, children see life in colours toys play and love so when their mummy and daddy interact with them you are creating a better, stronger and more loving bond that can be educational also!

    At a nursery/ kinder the teachers are trained to be able to benifit all children no matter age/race/or ability if a child is going at a slower pace the teacher is able to give special care towards that child however while keeping that childs interaction at the same level as all the other children in the class.

    You can never expect anything from a child really at this young stage simply because young children devolpe at all different rates not matter whether they are in the most best private school or a public school they are all different however you must encourage learining in a good anf fun way this can help much more than you think especially if you do it with your child and reward them each time.. Good luck!!x

  3. 1. Play is what we call children's learning !! Adults say playing. Children just do it.

    2. YES! Play IS learning for children (and adults -  it's reciprocal)

    3. Everything - from fine and gross motor skills to social skills. From maths to creativity

    4. Of course it is. Because it's learning !

    5. Yes !! I've attended something in NZ called Playcentre which is where parents and families play and learn together. Because of it I attended uni and got a degree to understand better how learning is play and play is learning. Children think washing dishes is playing,. Adults call it housework.

    6. Learning through play. Being given time to work with others as well as in solitude. Being offered a range of activities and ideas and areas to explore and learn from . Being allowed to repeat things they like to learn more.

    7. Group activities such as music and dancing, co-operative games plus solitary play and working alongside others in places like family play, the sand pit, collage, etc.

    8. As answered in question three.

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